Pip's Painting

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"Can I unfreeze now?" asked Freddy. He was standing on one leg while balancing a stack of fruits on his head.

"Not yet. I'm almost done." Pip frowned slightly behind the canvas before adding another stroke of blue paint on the painting. "Okay, I'm finished. You can stop posing now." He smiled and let out a relieved sigh.

"Oh good." Freddy fell flat on the ground facing the nursery ceiling. All the fruits came landing on him.

Pip giggled as he helped him up. "You okay, Freddy?"

"Yeah, just a little sore." Freddy's eyes widened in amazement the moment he saw the painting Pip made of him. "Wow, Pip! It looks coconuts!"

Flattered, Pip rubbed the back of his neck. "Thanks. I put in lots and lots of effort."

At that moment, K.C walked up to them. "Hiya fellas, whatcha doing?"

"Pip made a really great painting," replied Freddy as he gestured towards the penguin's artwork.

"You really are a talented featherball, aren't you?" K.C ruffled Pip's feathers making him giggle. She got out her FlyPad and on the screen it displayed a digital poster for an art competition. She showed it to the two birds. "Pip why don't you join this? It's being held at the Faraway Forest, and according to the age limit it says you can take part."

Pip wrung his feathers uncertainly. "I don't know about this. There are lots of other kids who can paint much better than me."

Freddy placed a wing on his shoulder. "I think you're the best painter ever! Just go for it. Besides, it doesn't matter if you win or lose, as long as you had fun and gave it your all."

Pip considered this. He really did love to paint. Even his parents had encouraged him to take part in art contests before, only he was nervous, thinking he wasn't good enough. Maybe it wouldn't hurt if he gave it a try this time... "Oh alright. I'll give it a go."

"That's the spirit, Pip-casso!" K.C gave him a fly five. "Freddy and I will tag along to cheer you on."

Pip smiled thankfully at his two friends. "Thanks you guys. This means a lot."

Freddy rubbed his wings together. "Okay, let's get some art supplies and flamin-go to the Faraway Forest for the competition. We don't wanna be late."


As soon as the trio reached the Faraway Forest, there were already lots of animals there. Some were taking part in the art competition while others were just there to watch and cheer the competitors on. Some of the competitors were doing some last-minute practice before the competition started - and their artworks were really good.

Pip felt a million butterflies flapping around inside his tummy. He gulped. "I don't know about this..." he whispered to Freddy. "I don't even know what to paint!"

"Don't worry about that," Freddy reassured him as he and K.C got out a bag full of clothes and accessories. "You can paint me!"

K.C nodded as she got out a yellow leather jacket and an orange T-shirt that read 'KEEP CALM & EAT CHEESE'. She also got out a comb and a pair of pink sunglasses. "Yeah! Freddy can be your model."

Pip clapped his flippers together. "Of course!"

K.C gestured to a tent nearby. "Just let me help Freddy get into these clothes and you can start painting."

As his two friends went to the changing tent, Pip spotted two familiar penguins in the crowd. "Wait, is that Mom and Dad?" He walked up to them. "Mom? Dad? What are you guys doing here?"

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