Freddy's TOTSgiving Dinner

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"Oh I'm super excited for TOTSgiving!" said Pip as he and Freddy hung fall decorations in the cafeteria.

"Me too!" Freddy chimed in. "It's one of my most favourite holidays ever."

"My favourite part is gathering around the table with my family to enjoy our special TOTSgiving dinner." Pip had finished hanging his share of decorations and was climbing down the ladder.

"Just thinking about it is making me feel hungry." Freddy licked his beak as he climbed down the ladder as well. "But the best part is that I get to share it with my mom and dad."

"Yeah, same here," agreed Pip. "There's nothing like spending quality time with family, especially during the holiday season."

"It was nice of Captain Beakman to let us have TOTSgiving off so we can all go back to our hometown to be with our family." The flamingo gazed at the decorations he and Pip had hung on the ceiling. "After all, what's TOTSgiving if you're not spending it with the ones you love most?"

The penguin nodded. A few days earlier, Captain Beakman had made an announcement saying that they could all go home for TOTSgiving to be with their families. Bringing families together was the T.O.T.S motto, wasn't it?

The two Junior Fliers made their way to the nursery to find it also decorated as well. As soon as she saw them walk in, K.C greeted them with a bright smile.

"Heya, you two!" she chirped. "Done with hanging the decorations?"

"Yup!" answered Pip. "Do we have any deliveries today?"

The koala gestured to the baby bunny playing in the sandbox. "In fact you do. You need to deliver Bessie to her family who lives near the Totally Tall Mountain."

Freddy picked Bessie up and gave her a little cuddle. "Aww aren't you just the cutest?"

Pip giggled at him. "C'mon, let's go to the runway so we can bring her to her forever home."

"Okay, okay." Freddy handed Bessie to K.C, who loaded her up into the chute. "Let's flamin-go!"

As soon as they got to the runway they spotted JP at his station, admiring his reflection in the mirror he was holding. "Hi JP!" they greeted him cheerfully.

The French stork looked up from his mirror and glanced at his two favourite Junior Fliers (even up till now he wouldn't admit they were his favourite) and flashed them a smile. "Hello, young birds. Excited for TOTSgiving?"

"You bet your beaks we are!" replied Freddy as the crate with Bessie inside got loaded onto his back. "I so can't wait to go back to Coconut Cove to be with my parents."

"As am I. I can't remember the last time I had a family dinner with my son Lucky, my parents and my brother PJ." JP gazed off longingly. Pip and Freddy could tell he really missed his family as much as they missed theirs.

JP cleared his throat before spreading his wings. "Anyway, I better go make my delivery. See you both later." He took off to the skies, his baby delivery on his back.

"See ya later, JP!" called Pip as he hopped onto his best friend's back. "Come on Freddy, we've got a delivery to make too."

"Flamin-go!" cheered Freddy as he made a running start and flew off to the Faraway Forest.


Pip and Freddy returned to T.O.T.S, having made another successful delivery.

"I'm gonna head up to our room," said Freddy. "You coming with?"

"Uh, maybe not," replied Pip. "I wanna have a little chat with K.C. I'll come up later."

"Oh, okay. See you then." Freddy exchanged smiles with Pip as one headed to the dorms, while the other headed to the nursery.

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