Two Little Baby Birds

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"Ready or not, here I come!" Freddy looked around the nursery, hoping to find clues as to where his friends were hiding.

He spotted a pair of tails sticking out from behind a castle made from building blocks. One tail looked like it was a kitten tail while the other was a puppy tail. It had to be Mia and Lucky.

He peeked behind the castle of blocks. "Found you two!" The two babies giggled as he picked them up. "Now... where are Pip and K.C?" he wondered.

He set Mia and Lucky on the ground. He noticed a familiar orange sneaker sticking out from up in the tree slide. If there was anyone at T.O.T.S he knew who wore orange sneakers, it was obviously K.C.

He walked up to the slide and looked up. Sure enough, K.C was there. "Come on down K.C! I can see you."

"How'd you find me so fast?" asked K.C as she climbed down the tree slide.

"You're looking at the Coconut Cove hide-and-seek champion!" said Freddy as he pointed a feather at himself and flashed her a cool smile. "And I saw your shoe sticking out."

K.C scratched her head and giggled. "Oh. Right."

Suddenly they both heard something weird. "What was that?" asked Freddy, looking around. "It sounded like thunder."

K.C shrugged. "Sounds like it came from that igloo."

Freddy poked his head inside the igloo and spotted Pip clutching his tummy. "So that's what that sound was," thought Freddy.

"Found you buddy!" he said as Pip crawled out of the igloo.

"No fair!" Pip fake pouted. "My stomach gave away my perfect hiding spot."

K.C giggled at the penguin. "How about we all go to the cafeteria and get some lunch?" she suggested, gesturing to the nursery door. "I think we could all use some food."

Freddy nodded in agreement and rubbed the back of his neck. "Sure, I guess I could grab a bite."

Pip was already belly sliding towards the cafeteria. "See you guys there!"

"That's usually me leaving early for lunch," Freddy whispered to K.C, making her roll her eyes playfully.


Pip got to the cafeteria first. As usual, it was busy with a lot of Fliers enjoying their food. Delicious smells filled the air.

As he lined up to get food, his stomach rumbled again at the sight of all the yummy meal choices. He already knew what he wanted to eat for lunch - a bowl of ice cube soup, his favourite. He'd also get a glass of ice-cold milk.

After getting his food, he sat down at a nearby table and waited for Freddy and K.C to get their lunches. They were still in the lunch line, waiting for their turn to get some food. It was only a matter of a few minutes before the flamingo and koala were seated with him at the table.

"This is sooo good!" said Freddy, his beak full. He was eating a bowl of mac and cheese.

Pip laughed at his friend. "Freddy, we don't talk with our beaks full," he teased.

Freddy swallowed the food inside his beak and playfully rolled his eyes at Pip. "Okay, okay."

"What do you fellas wanna do after lunch?" asked K.C before taking another bite of her fruit salad.

"Another game of hide-and-seek?" Pip suggested.

Freddy nodded. "Sure! Only this time, you're gonna look for us." He flashed Pip a teasing look.

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