The New Triplebeak

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"You done packing, Freddy?" asks Pip as he zipped up his backpack.

Freddy finally managed to stuff his pajamas inside his backpack. "Yeah. Finally."

Pip and Freddy were in their bedroom packing their clothes. They were going to stay over with Freddy's cousin Tommy Triplebeak for a slumber party.

"I can't wait to get to Tommy's house!" said Pip, excited.

"Me too." Freddy was just as excited as Pip. "We're gonna have so much fun playing beach games, telling scary stories, having a midnight snack..."

"Not to mention a barbecue for dinner," added Pip. Both their beaks watered at the thought of all that delicious food.

"Come on Pip, let's go!" Freddy cheered as he dashed out of the room.

"Hey wait for me!" Pip belly slid following Freddy down the hall.


Before leaving for Tommy's house, they decided to stop by the nursery for a quick talk with K.C, their best koala friend.

K.C saw them come in. "Oh hiya fellas! You guys are off to Tommy's?"

Pip nodded. "We're just gonna spend the night there. We'll be back tomorrow."

"So you don't really have to miss us," teased Freddy.

K.C giggled. "Alright." She was silent for a few seconds. "But first, can you guys please make a delivery?"

"Sure, the slumber party can wait," smiled Freddy. "Who's gonna be our delivery?"

K.C picked up a baby flamingo with colourful feathers on his head. "This is Theo. His family lives in Coconut Cove."

"Coconut Cove... that's where Tommy lives right?" asked Pip.

"Yeah," nodded Freddy. "Most of my family lives there."

"So we can quickly deliver Theo to his forever family, and then we can head straight for Tommy's!" Pip clapped his flippers together.

"You're right!" said Freddy. "What are we waiting for? We've got a delivery to make AND a slumber party to get to!" He dashed out of the nursery.

"See you tomorrow, K.C!" called Pip as he left the nursery as well.

"Have fun you two!" K.C replied with a smile.


Pip, Freddy and Theo have arrived at Coconut Cove.

Pip checked his FlyPad. "According to the map, Theo's house is right here." He gestured to the house in front of them.

Freddy looked confused. "But this is Tommy Triplebeak's house. You think the FlyPad glitched or something?"

Pip shook his head. "The FlyPad's never wrong." He walked up the front steps and rang the doorbell. "We might as well find out if this is Theo's house."

Freddy's uncle and aunt answered the door. They smiled lovingly at Freddy. "Freddy! How's it been?" asked his uncle.

Freddy wrapped them in a big hug. "Uncle Tony! Aunt Tina! I missed you guys so much."

"Oh my, how big my little nephew's grown," said Aunt Tina as she gently ruffled Freddy's feathers.

Freddy gestured towards Pip, who was holding Theo. "This is my best feathered friend Pip."

Pip gave a polite smile. "Nice to meet you Mr and Mrs Triplebeak."

"Nice to meet you too," replied Uncle Tony. "Freddy talks about you all the time." He chuckled, earning a small smirk from Pip.

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