Under The Starry Sky

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It was already night time. Pip and Freddy were flying back to T.O.T.S after another successful delivery.

"Wow look at all the stars!" said Pip as he gazed up into the sky. "I've never seen this many stars back in Iceberg Alley."

"How come?" asked Freddy.

"It gets super cloudy there so my parents rarely take me to the top of the hill to look at stars," replied Pip.

"My parents used to always take me to look at stars since I was little," said Freddy. "It's hardly ever cloudy at Coconut Cove so we get lots of clear skies, even at night."

"Lucky," Pip fake pouted. "But now we're at T.O.T.S, we get to see lots of stars in the sky every night."

Freddy nodded. "It kinda helps me fall asleep sometimes."

"And speaking of sleep..." Pip checked his FlyPad and let out a yawn. "It's almost time for us to go to bed."

"How about we stop by the nursery to say good night to K.C first?" suggested Freddy.

Pip nodded and smiled. "Okay, sure."


Pip and Freddy walked into the nursery and saw K.C talking to Olivia the owl, the newest recruit at T.O.T.S, who was assigned to run the nursery during the night shift. She was the same age and wore the same hoodie as K.C, though hers is teal and she wore a matching ribbon on her head.

K.C and Olivia saw the Junior Fliers come in and greeted then with a smile. "Hi you guys! Back from your delivery?" asked Olivia.

"Yeah," Freddy replied. "We just stopped by to say good night. We're going to bed now."

"If you fellas want, I can read you a bedtime story after I finish briefing Olivia here," suggested K.C. "You two go to your room and change into your pajamas. I'll be there in a while."

"Okay sure!" Pip belly slid out of the nursery. "See you upstairs!"

"Good night Olivia!" called Freddy as he followed his best feathered friend to their shared room.

"Good night you two!" replied Olivia with a smile.


K.C sat on a bean bag chair as she read a storybook to the penguin and flamingo, who were already snug inside their beds.

"'Hansel and Gretel celebrated with their family, knowing they will never be poor again. They all lived happily ever after.' The end." The koala closed the book and saw that Pip had already fallen asleep and was snoring softly.

Freddy already lay down in bed too, trying to keep his eyes closed.

"Good night, fellas," whispered K.C as she quietly left the room. "Have the sweetest dreams." She closed their bedroom door and walked off to her room, which was not far from the Junior Fliers' room.

"I love my job," she sighed wistfully as she walked into her bedroom and closed the door.


Freddy tossed and turned in bed, trying to find a comfortable sleeping position. He tried sleeping on his sides - didn't work. He tried to sleep facing the ceiling - didn't work either. He even tried sleeping on his stomach but nope, still wide awake.

He sat up in bed and looked at Pip, sleeping peacefully. "I've never had problems falling asleep before," the young flamingo thought. "What's up with me?"

He quietly got out of bed, not wanting to wake Pip up. He took his stuffed coconut and tiptoed out of the room. "Maybe a little snack might help me sleep," he told himself.

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