Broken Leg

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It was another bright and sunny day at T.O.T.S, perfect for playing outside. Junior Fliers Pip and Freddy were playing flamingo flingo, one of their favourite outdoor games.

"Pip I'm open!" Freddy spread out his purple and coral pink feathered wings out wide.

"Catch it Freddy!" Pip threw the flingo to Freddy.

Freddy ran backwards, trying to catch the flingo. He wasn't aware there was a small rock a few feet behind him.

"Look out!" cried Pip.

It was too late - Freddy tripped on the rock and fell on his left ankle. He let out a small yelp.

Pip immediately ran over to his side. "Are you okay Freddy? Are you hurt?"

Freddy put on a brave smile. "Yeah I'm fine." He tried to stand up, but pain shot through his foot, making him fall down again. "Ow! My ankle!"

"Oh no you must've twisted it when you fell!" Pip hated it whenever something bad happened to Freddy. "I'll go get help."

Luckily, Ms Trunklebee, the teacher at the Sky School, saw what happened and hurried over. "What happened here?"

"Freddy fell and hurt his foot," replied Pip, helping the flamingo stand up. "Now he can't walk."

"I'm fine, Pip. Don't worry," insisted Freddy. He tried standing on his own but the pain flared again. He almost fell over but Pip managed to catch him.

"No you're not," said Pip. He looked at Ms Trunklebee. "I'll take Freddy to our room. Can you get K.C please?"

Ms Trunklebee nodded. "Of course."

"Pip, I'm telling you, I'm okay," said Freddy as Pip walked him to their shared room. "My foot just hurts a little, that's all." He really didn't like seeing Pip so worried about him. He hated worrying the penguin.

Pip sighed. "Freddy, if you're okay, you'd be able to walk on your own. Your foot hurts, so we need K.C to take a look at it."

As usual, Pip won the argument. "Alright," said Freddy, giving in.

"Good." Pip helped Freddy get into bed. "Now just wait for K.C to get here."


"Is it bad?" asked Freddy.

"Don't worry, it's just a little sprain," replied K.C, smiling. She had just wrapped a cast around his injured foot. "You should be back on your feet in a few days."

Pip let out a sigh of relief. "Well that's good news."

"By the way, how did you hurt your ankle Freddy?" asked the koala.

"I tripped over a rock while Pip and I were playing outside," explained Freddy. "I guess I should've looked where I was going."

Pip gently patted his best friend's wing. "It's okay, anyone could've tripped over it."

Freddy smiled thankfully at Pip. "Thanks, buddy."

Pip turned to K.C. "Does Freddy twisting his ankle mean he won't be able to deliver babies for a while?"

"I'm afraid so," replied K.C "He'll have to stay in bed and rest. But if he does need to get out of the bed..." She got out a pair of crutches and made them lean against Freddy's bedside table. "you can use these crutches to help you walk, Freddy."

Freddy gave her a bright smile. "Thanks for your help, K.C."

"Yeah, thank you so much," added Pip, nodding.

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