Across The Bar

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*checks the time; 6:57pm*
"Shit, I'm gonna be late!"
I throw on my black boots and head out the door.
I check my phone to see multiple texts from the girls, wondering where I am. I send a quick text *on my way!!*
I drive as fast as I can without going over the speed limit too much. I struggle a bit finding a spot to park and head inside the club. I quickly find the girls, taking a seat, able to relax a bit now.
They already got their drinks so I head towards the bar to get one myself.
The club is crowded with people distracting themselves from their everyday problems with drinks and dancing.
"Excuse me!" I raise my hand up a bit, "can I get a drink?" I ask the Bartender. "Yes, my apologies. What can I get for you?" She asks. "Can I get a dirty martini," as she writes it down, my eyes meet golden honey eyes across the bar belonging to a very handsome man with messy brown curls. "Can I also get one for that man over there." I say pointing with my eyes trying to not be too obvious. "Sure thing! Just a second"

she makes them both pretty quickly bringing his to him first. I see him look confused and what appears to question the bartender where the drink came from. I look down to fiddle with my fingers. When I finally look up, he's staring at me, and raises his glass to cheers me and sends a wink my way. I blush and give him a soft smirk, thanking the bartender and heading back to the girls.

We dance the night away, having lots of much needed fun. Most of the girls had left already (not alone obviously) so I head back to the bar to pay my tab. The club is pretty desolate now. I notice the same man is still sitting at the bar by himself. I debate in my head whether or not I want to go over there. I close my tab and head over there slowly.

"May I sit?" I ask
He turns toward me and nods his head up and down. I take a seat and sip my water. "What's your name?" I ask
He sips his drink, putting it down and pushing it forward a bit. "Joe" he says reaching his hand out, "and you are?"
"Madeline" I say, shaking his hand gently.
"Thank you for the drink, I actually quite enjoyed it." He says

"Of course! That's my go to drink haha, you can't go wrong with a dirty martini."
"I'll have to remember that from now on.." I just nod my head and smile
"Where did your friends go?" He asks
"Oh! Um they left with some guys they met a while ago."
"Well what about you? You didn't meet anyone you wanted to go home with?" He asks
I can feel my cheeks heat up, I can only imagine how red my face is.
"I- I did, but I don't think he wants to go home with me" I say quietly.
"You never know unless you ask, the worst they could say is no.."
he says sipping his drink.
"I suppose you're right." I say as he giggles
"So, would you like to go home with me?" I ask
He turns to look at me on a dime with hungry eyes. "I've been waiting for you to ask all night darling." He closes his tab and grabs his coat. We walk out to my car and he asks for the aux. He shuffles soft rock songs and slowly rests his hand on my thigh while I drive.
We slowly pull up to my apartment. We walk up hand in hand. As soon as I close the door behind him, he pushes me up against the door, attaching his lips to mine. I slide my hands under his shirt to rest them on his stomach and hips. I completely unbutton his shirt and take a minute to look at him before he does the same to me, then covers my chest in kisses and pulls away to grip his hands under my thighs, picking me up as he carried me away to what he assumed was my bedroom, kissing me all the way to the bed. He stopped at the head of the bed dropping me down. I huffed and smirked at him.
He pulled his tie off and unknotted it. His leaned down to kiss me, then wrapped his tie around my eyes so I couldn't see.
He put his fingers on the waistband of my pants and stopped.
"Is this alright?" He asked
"Yes... please."
He chuckles and yanks them down, and I could just tell what he was thinking when he saw my purple lace underwear by the way he giggled.
This is gonna be an interesting night...

I woke up and rolled over to see him gone. I smile thinking about the things that went on lastnight. I am kind of sad he's gone though. I get up and throw on my t shirt and underwear. I walk into my kitchen and smell coffee. There's a freshly brewed pot of coffee and a note.
"Sorry I had to go, but last night was fun love, hopefully we can do it again sometime soon! ;) (***-***-****)"

Now I'm stuck here smiling like a goofball and in deeeep trouble. Why? Because I am definitely falling for this man...

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