First Day

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It's your first day of and your nerves are through the roof.
You don't do a full face of make up, but a little bit of eyeshadow and mascara, finishing it with a pink lip gloss.
You grab your backpack and head downstairs to the kitchen, to find your mom making breakfast and your dad putting your lunch together.
You eat as quick as you can, grabbing your lunch and saying goodbye to your parents and not forgetting to give Millie (the dog) a kiss on your way out.
You start your car and head towards the school. You get there early so you can actually get a good parking spot.
You grab your bag, and keys and head towards the office. You walk in and are greeted with a lovely blonde woman sitting at the desk, looking at some paperwork.
"Goodmorning!" You say
"Goodmorning! Can I help you with something?" She asks
"Yes actually! My name is y/n and I have never been here before.. I just moved here. I just need my schedule and possibly a little help figuring out where my classes are." You say
"No worries!" She goes through a bunch of papers, pulling one out.
"Here you are! Y/n y/l/n. You're a senior this year? That must be tough starting a new school your senior year. We have excellent clubs and some of the kids here are very friendly. If you want to take a seat, I'll have a buddy come and get you to show you where to go." She says smiling

"Thank you! Yes, it's definitely a bit strange having to start over at new school and town." You say taking a seat across from her
"Mr. Quinn? Goodmorning!" She says
"Goodmorning!" He says back
"Who is this?" The attractive English teacher says
"Oh this is y/n, it's her first day and needs help figuring out her way around the school." She says
"Oh! Well I have time, I can show you if you'd like?" He says
"I don't mind." You say
"Perfect! Let's go!" He says, holding the door out the office open, as you walk out.
"So my name is Joseph Quinn, but I obviously go by Mr. Quinn. I am the music teacher here at Hawkins High. Looking at your schedule it appears I will actually be seeing you.. 2nd hour. Do you play any instruments or are you just learning?" He asks
"I play drums and guitar... I have recently started to attempt writing my own songs, but they aren't any good." You say
"That's so cool! Well if you'll let, I'd love to hear something you wrote." He says
You both walk throughout the school making small talk and he points stuff out here and there... but you couldn't keep yourself from admiring his features; his beautiful brown eyes, or his cute little loose curls, or the way he slightly sticks his tongue out when he's thinking. His suit fits his body quite well. You also draw your attention to the rings on his finger. They're gold, but I think gold works with his skin tone, better than silver would.
"What is wrong with you?" You think in your head.
You shouldn't be drooling over a teacher. For one, he's a TEACHER and for two, he's probably taken. There's no way a good looking, kind soul like him is still single... but he isn't wearing a wedding ring.
"STOP" your mind yells at you
You try and focus more on the words he's saying, rather than the way his lips move when he speaks, or the different ways he says things with his accent.
We come to stop, at what appears the middle of the school.
"And we're back. Do you have any questions? If you get a little turned you can always just ask a student or nearby teacher. Everyone is generally pretty nice.." he says
"Nothing I can think of, thank you so much! I'll be looking forward to class with you!" You say
"Of course! I should be going and you don't want to be late to your first class" he says
That's when you notice all the students loitering around the halls, you were too distracted before to even notice they were there.
You make your way towards your first class... English Literature.

The time goes by pretty quick,you met this girl Nancy Wheeler, she's really nice. She told you about how her brother Mike goes here too.
You walk into the music room to see Mr. Quinn, writing on the white board. You take a seat in the front.. for obvious reasons.
"Alright!" He says rubbing hands together.
"We're just going to over some general stuff today. For starters, the only homework you will ever have is practicing your instrument of choice, and learning any new songs I introduce to you, which will also be practiced in class. Speaking of instruments. I need you all to fill these out." He says giving you a stack of papers to pass.
"Basically just your name, grade and which instrument you will be playing. Some instruments are provided and some you might have to purchase yourself. There are music stores listed at the bottom and instruments that are not provided by the school. You have till the end of the week to fill out the form and if you change your mind you have till the end of next week to turn in a updated form. We start playing our instruments, next Monday so please be prepared. I am kind and understanding, but please... come to class prepared that's all I ask." He says
You listen to every word he says, also noticing you aren't the only girl noticing how attractive Mr. Quinn can be.
"That's the bell! You're dismissed! Have a wonderful rest of your day, see you in class tomorrow!" He says
You walk up to his desk, "Mr. Quinn?" You mumble
"Yes, y/n?" He says
"I was just wondering... do you any tutoring or perhaps after school lessons? I know school has only just started, but I've been honestly struggling with the Electric Guitar, and would really love some help picking it up better. If that's not to much to ask for?" You say shifting your weight back and forth left to right, right, to left, left to right

"I would love to help you out! I can do Tuesdays or Thursdays. Whatever works better for you."

"Thursdays are perfect! I'll just meet you here after school?" You say
"Sounds good! Have a good rest of your day y/n!" He says as students begin walking into the room.
You blush as you speed walk to your next class, not being able to concentrate on anything other than the fact that you'll be spending your Thursday nights with Mr. Quinn learning Guitar.

First day of school already a success!

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