Going for a Drive

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As you sit in the car you feel the a/c on your face and the bumps on the road here and there.
Music plays softly over the Bluetooth.
You look out the window and watch the rain roll down the window. You can see fog surrounding the mountains in the distance.
You turn towards Joe and watch him as he slowly clenches his jaw while he drives and tightens his fists on the steering wheel.
You sweetly place your hand on his thigh squeezing gently, he quickly glances at you and you both happily smile at each other.
It's a quiet car ride, because you are both simply enjoying the music and the view of the rain and mountains on the way to your cabin in the woods.
You and him had been planning this weekend away for a while so you were both very excited to have some time to unplug and relax.
You guys were just renting the cabin for the weekend.
It looked like something in the movies, not too big, with a fireplace in front of the couch and windows out looking the mountains. Trails all around for hiking. You have both been looking forward to this for a while, and it's finally here.
When you arrive at the cabin, he opens your door for you and Carrie's in both your guys' bags. You unlock the cabin door and walk in, in awe.
It's much more beautiful than you thought it would be.
You go into the kitchen and start unpacking some our groceries for the week.
Joseph disappears into the bedroom to put our bags away. When I finish in the kitchen I head towards the bedroom when I see the door is shut.
I gently knock, "Joe?" I slowly open the door and see petals all over the bed and floor and candles around the room.
"Hey" he smiles "I thought we could.. maybe have some fun tonight." He smiles
"I would looove that." I say smiling
The night is filled with back rubs which turned into some other fun activities. Watching him cook dinner and eating our dinner next to the fireplace which then lead to round two of fun stuff.. after that we stepped outside and set up some camp chairs with some hot cocoa, and watched the stars together, pointing out constellations to each other here and there. After what felt like hours we go inside and head to bed.
I couldn't be happier to have this time with him, tomorrow is never promised and we made a deal to start making the most out of everyday and I'm already loving it. Day 1 was a success and it can only get better... how I don't know but, I guess we'll find out.

**sorry this one is kinda short, compared to the usual. I don't love this, but am I gonna publish it anyway? Yes lol**

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