Running Late

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I started a new job this month and I am already in love with it! The only thing that has been difficult is my boss.. he doesn't like when people are late or lazy at their job. He's a new manager, transferred from our London location.
I am good at my job, I have never been late a day in my life. In my opinion, when you're late you're disrespecting someone else's time when they are expecting you at a specific time.
I rush in, trying to make myself look put together as much as I can, and I see him at his desk tapping his foot away.
I walk in casual, "you're late" he says.
"I know, I'm so sorry! I don't know what happened. I guess I slept through my alarms. I promise it will never happen again!"

"You don't need to apologize, I know how you are. You're a good worker and as far as I know this is the first time you've been tardy." He says as fiddles with his rings and still keeping eye contact. I can't help but stare... He's wearing grey slacks that fit snug on him and a red and blue blouse that's not buttoned up all the way, so you can see a bit of his chest hair. His hair is lightly gelled back, with some curls that popping out. His eyes look like honey in this lighting...
"Madeline!" He yells
"Yes!" I shake my head, "sorry, I don't know uh-"
"Just um- *clears his throat* just get to work please." He says.
I walk out and sit at my desk, tapping my pen over and over and again, trying to get him out of my head. He's my boss, 1. There's no way we share the same feelings and 2. That breaks like every work place code... no one dates their boss.

The day goes by pretty quick, the sun has gone done and I'm done with the days work. I tidy up my things and head towards Mr. Quinn's office. I knock on the door.
"Come in"
I slowly open the door. "Hi, what can I do for you." He asks
"I am finished with my work for the day. Is there anything else you would like me to do or am I alright to head home?" I question
"You're good" he's says and goes back to work.
"Are you sure? I can help you knock out some of your work if you would like?" I offer
He just stares at me for a moment. "If you want to pull up a chair you can, you don't have to stay, but if you want to, I'll take all the help I can."
I shut the door behind me and pull up a chair opposite him and he starts giving me a few simple things to do. I get them done with ease handing them back to him to look over.
"This is good, maybe I should be reconsidering your position here haha"
I didn't really know what to say to that.
"Would you want a promotion?" He questions
"Promotion to what?" I ask
"My assistant sort of, the job title would be assistant, but the pay would be better and I would give you more real work." He says
"I mean yeah, I just don't know how much I could change up my schedule though." I say

"You can keep your schedule the same unless you want to add days." He says looking at me and twirling his rings
"Well then I would love that!" I say excitedly
"Perfect! Well I'm done here, do you want me to walk you to your car? It's quite late?" He offers
I smile, "I would really appreciate that." I say
We both tidy up putting on our coats and grabbing our keys and head down in the elevators.

"So, do you live close by?" I ask
"Um- yeah, I live about 15 minutes away. What about you?" He asks
"I have about a 10 minute drive." I say.
"Do you like it here?" He asks
"It's got its pros and cons, I mean there are some seriously crazy drivers here and I wish it rained a bit more, but other than that it's nice. There's also isn't like.. a ton of stuff to do here." I say
He nods listening, "I haven't gotten to really go out yet, since I've moved here, but downtown seems like a lot of fun." He says
"Oh for sure! The drinks are expensive, but the live music and food is good!!" I say getting excited just thinking about it.

"Would you like to go for a drink after work tomorrow night?" He asks
I was shocked, he probably just means it as friends
"I would love that! I can show you around downtown if you'd like."
"I would love that." He says smiling.
We get to my car and he opens the door for me. I get in and roll down my window.
"Thank you for walking me to my car." I smile
"Thanks for your help tonight, drive safe and I'll see you tomorrow. Goodnight!" He says walking towards his car.
I can't help but just sit here and smile. I shouldn't have feelings for my boss... but here we are.

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