Playing a gig

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Eddie has been going on about this gig he's playing ALL WEEK. It always makes me smile when he talks about it, because he smiles so big and you can see his dimples pop out and he talks so passionately with his hands.
He's played a couple of their new songs for me and I am pretty sure one of them is about me, but I don't want to make assumptions. It's about feeling lucky to have this girl whose a '10' when you're a '6' and if it is about me I kinda hate that Eddie would think of himself as a '6' when I am the one who feels like sometimes I'm just not good enough for him.
Other than that it's a good song. I could listen to Eddie sing at all hours of the day.
School goes by pretty fast, probably because I'm so excited for tonight. In no time, I'm on my way to Eddie's van heading to The Hideout. Dustin, Mike, Lucas, Erica and Robin are supposed to all be coming too, but we'll see if they actually show up.

I help them get all set up and they do a little practice run before it's time to actually play. 6 o'clock rolls around and they're about to go on. Robin, Dustin, and Mike made it. Apparently Lucas had practice and Erica had a sleepover.
Other than us, no one else really showed up to see them. There were a few people kinda peeking over here and there, but it was basically a personal concert and they did AWESOME!!
Eddie was really getting into it dancing all over the platform and banging his head so his hair would fly all over the place. They finished and all bowed to us. We all clapped as loud as we could so proud of them!
Eddie drove me home raving the whole ride about how much fun he had and how glad he was that me and some of the others could make it. We pulled to a stop at my house and he put it in park.
"Thanks again for coming." He says
"You've only been talking about it all week." I say teasing him. "But yeah I'm glad I came, I could listen to you sing and watch you play guitar all day long if I could." I say
He gave me a gentle passionate kiss on the lips on got of the car. He came around my side and opened the door for me holding his hand out for me to take. I grab his hand and slide out of the van. "I love you Eddie Munson!" I say
"And I love you y/n y/l/n" he says
"Drive safe! I'll see you tomorrow!!" I shout as he pulls away driving home.
What a good night.

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