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| You know how we have been talking about possibly getting a dog?|

ME | yes? |

| Look, just please don't be mad. I went to the store for groceries and ran into Gaten. He was telling me how there is this dog that needs to be adopted or it's just going to end up as a stray or dead... so obviously I didn't see or.. I guess I didn't want to see any other option so I got the dog. His name is Enzo, unless you would like to change it (: ily |

| You got us a dog!!! 🥺 I CANNOT wait to meet him! You better send me pictures right now! I wanna see him. Do I need to stop at the store on my way home and grab anything? I think Enzo is an adorable name! ily more! |

| Nope, everything is covered, Gaten helped me pick out a collar and the essentials. Just come home and meet our new baby. *pictures attached* |

| <3 <3 <3 |

You get home as soon as you possibly can. You come in quietly from the garage to find Jo and Enzo sleeping on the couch. You obviously have to take a picture. You kiss him on the head and go change into sweats.
When you come back into the living room, you see Enzo and Joseph waking up.
Enzo sees you and runs to greet you. He stands on his legs to reach you, so you pick him up and give him lotsss of kisses. He still has that adorable puppy breath and the biggest ears.

"I'm so happy you did this." You say
"Me too." Joseph says smiling at you

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