He's Protective

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I was sitting at home, waiting to leave for school.
I ate breakfast and drove Dustin, Mike and I to school. We got there with a couple minutes to spare so we took our time walking in and eventually going our separate ways.
My first class was English, which is usually fine other than the fact that Jason also has the same class with me. He typically will throw some harsh words my way, which I can take, and occasionally stabbing him with words back.
Today he just stared at me. It scared the shit out of me, because of the creepy way he was going about it.
The bell rang and I sprinted to the door as fast as I could. Sadly he's faster.
He pinned me to the wall just outside the classroom.
"What do you want Jason?" I ask 
"I want you to stop dating the freak. I know you don't love him. I can help you out." He says gripping me tighter.
"No! I shove him, "The Freak" is none of your business, let go!you're hurting me." I say and all he does is get angrier and raise his hand to slap me. The entire hallway goes silent. I hold my hand to my cheek as tears slowly fall from my eyes.
He slowly steps away from me realizing what he did, and walking away. I sprint towards my next class not wanting to be late, but more than anything not wanting to be here.
It was finally lunch time.
I stop at the bathroom first to look at my face. You could faintly she a red handprint on my cheek. Seeing it makes me cry again, mainly because I know Eddie is going to be majorly upset.
I sit down at our table and refuse to make eye contact hoping no one will ask anything and just leave me be, too busy talking about D&D.
I was wrong
"Hey Beautiful!" Eddie says
"Hey!" I say still looking down
I hear him pout
"Why won't you look at me? What's wrong?" He asks
"Nothing! I'm just tired is all." I say not wanting to lie, but also not wanting to upset him.
He sits next to me and gently grabs my chin with his thumb and pointer finger, lifting it so my eyes meet his.
He quietly gasps, "who did this to you?" He asks
"It's really not a big deal." I say
"Yes it is! Who did this?!" He says
"It was.. it was Jason." I say sadly
He immediately gets up storming towards Jason and his possy.
"Eddie! Please don't!" I yell
He grabs Jason by the collar of his shirt, throwing him against the wall.
"What in the hell makes you think you can lay hands on a woman, even more so, y/n!" Eddie yells

Jason tries to shove back, but Eddie has a firm grip on him, with Jason's friends ready to pounce.
It honestly kind of turned me on to see him this way.
He slapped the shit out of Jason and then shoved him to the floor, after he tried to shake out of his grasp, finally giving up. Eddie's now coming towards me, he wraps me in his arms. "I'm sorry you have to deal with him, and I'm sorry I wasn't there." He says kissing the top of my head.
"There's nothing for you to be sorry for. He's the one who needs to grow up and stop being an asshole." I say kissing his hands.
"True that." He agrees
We continue our day not hearing a single peep from Jason.
Everyone is still gonna think of Eddie as the "the freak" but they're also going to always remember how he kicked Jason's ass for hitting a girl... his girl.

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