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I'm sitting in my room on a Saturday Night just catching up on some homework listening to Lofi when I hear a knock on the door.

"Hey Honey," my says coming into my room. "We gotta talk about something.."
"what's up mom?" I say
"Look Hun, your fathers company has to move him to California for a promotion and he has to go so... we're going too. Our house has actually already sold, we have to be out in a week.."
"What? What about school? What about Eddie... and my friends?" I start hyperventilating with tears slowly streaming down my face.
"I don't want this, can't I stay here?"
"No honey, it would be different if you were 18 and about graduate. I also don't want anyone else to have to be responsible for you. You don't have a car, or a job. I didn't want to be like this, but you are coming to California whether you like it or not. I love you sweetie." She says walking out of my room.

|ME| Eddie, are you busy? Can I come over?
|Eddie| No, you can come over. Want me to pick you up?
|ME| No, I'm just gonna bike. See you in a few 🖤
|Eddie| Okay 🖤

After changing into sweats, I grab my bag and quickly run downstairs grabbing my bike from the garage and heading towards Eddie's I can't help but cry. I love him so much, and now I have to just leave him? I don't get any choice in this?
I pull up to his trailer and set my bike down. I wipe away the tears and knock on the door.
"Hey Mads!.. What's wrong?" He says with a pouty face "You look like you've been crying? Are you alright?"
I just hug him and squeeze him tight. He wraps his arms around me, picking me up and carrying me inside. We lay on his bed and I cry into his chest as he rubs circles on my back.
"Do you want to talk about it darling" he says
"It's gonna hurt." You say
"Well for as much as it's hurting you, shouldn't I know?" He says
I nod my head and take a deep breath.
"My family... My family is moving to California next week and I have to go with." I say scared to look at his face.
His hands stop, and he holds his breath
"You're... moving? Next week?" He says
"Yes, and I want to spend every minute I absolutely can with you."
A few tears start to fall down his face, so I wipe them away.
"Please don't cry, I love you so so much. I want to make this work more than anything."
He presses a kiss to my forehead.
"I guess we'll just have to use this last week wisely then." He says sadly
"I'll come back for you Munson. I swear on it." I say holding out my pinkie.
He wraps his pinkie around mine and I kiss my hand as he kisses his, locking our pinkie promise.

The week goes by pretty quick, my room is all packed up, other than my essentials. I have been mostly staying by Eddie since they packed my mattress. I take one last look around the whole house and head outside to see Eddie and all my friends standing there.
Seeing them all makes me cry, I don't want to leave them.
I give them all hugs and say goodbye. Saving Eddie for last... this is gonna break my heart.
I hug him as tight as I can. "I don't want to let go." I say
"Me neither." He says kissing my head
We stay hugging like that for a couple minutes until my mom comes out.
"Madeline.. let's go honey."
I nod my head as she gets in the car.
I look up at him and smile. I stand on my tippie toes and kiss him passionately for the last time. He slips his tongue in my mouth and it almost makes me want to cry, because I am going to miss this man with my whole heart.
I kiss his lips one last time.
"Goodbye Eddie Munson... I love you."
I can see him starting to cry. "I love you Madeline." He says wiping away his tears.
I watch him disappear as we drive away.

Joseph Quinn imagines Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin