chapter 01

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The sound of children's laughter filled the warm air, but the mood suddenly shifted as a group of children approached a boy playing alone on the beach. The sound of their playful banter quickly turned to something far darker as they kicked his sandcastle, splashing sand in his face.

"Are you building a castle out of sand, brat?"

There was an ominous laugh. The boy covered his face as the children continued to laugh at him, mocking his attempts to build something on the sand.

"You know this is our place. Go build your stupid castles elsewhere!"

He was splashed by the same boy who kicked his castle. They taunted him, telling him to go build his "stupid castles" elsewhere. The boy looked up to see another figure standing between him and the bullies, shielding him from any further harm.

"BamBam.. let's go.." said one.

"No! Now I'm going to show this bastard where he belongs!"

The boy spoke up, chastising the children for their behavior and warning them to leave the boy alone.

"Leave him alone!" The unknown voice of another boy was heard and he reached the kids.

"You shouldn't be doing that," the voice said, and everyone turned to see who it belonged to. There stood a young boy, with a confident stance, who looked right at the bullies and said, "You should leave him alone."

BamBam, the ringleader of the bullies, stepped forward and challenged the boy. "Who are you?" he asked, trying to intimidate him. But the boy didn't back down, folding his arms across his chest and looking BamBam straight in the eye.

"You don't have to be interested in that...I advise you to disappear and leave him alone. "You shouldn't be bullying a younger boy," the boy said, his voice steady and sure. "You're no match for the older ones, so you dare the younger ones," he continued, and the bullies just exchanged glances and looked at the sand, feeling the weight of shame.

But BamBam, undaunted, stepped closer to the boy and sneered. "What are you going to do about it?" he asked.

"I'm going to tell your mom," the boy replied calmly, and Yoongi's smile faltered. "You're bullying an innocent boy who's done nothing to you at all. You'll end up in a reformatory. Is that really what you want?"

With that, BamBam's group melted away, leaving him there on the beach alone, contemplating the consequences of his actions.

For a moment, there was silence on the beach, broken only by the sound of the ocean lapping against the shore. The boy felt a sense of relief, knowing that he had been saved from the cruelty of those children. But he also felt a sense of gratitude towards the man who had stepped in to protect him, even though he didn't know who he was. In that moment, the boy felt a sense of hope, knowing that not all people were cruel, and that there was still kindness in the world.

The boy, feeling victorious, turned to the younger boy who had been bullied.
On the scenic beach, the sounds of the waves lapping at the shore, the gulls crying in the sky, and the soft sand beneath their feet were the only sounds heard. But suddenly there were muffled sobs, and the sound of footsteps running away. The air grew heavier, filled with pain and sadness.

Till death do us part [ j.jk × ]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें