chapter 23

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Hoseok hustled through the bustling buffet, jotting down orders and ensuring everything ran smoothly, just as he'd learned from his father, the owner. The aroma of freshly cooked dishes wafted through the air, mingling with the chatter of satisfied customers.

As Hoseok navigated the crowded dining area, his eyes caught sight of Mr. Yang, a regular patron known for his hearty appetite and jovial demeanor. With a grin stretching across his face, Hoseok made a beeline for Mr. Yang's table, eager to share a piece of gossip he'd stumbled upon.

"Mr. Yang, good to see you again!" Hoseok greeted, his voice brimming with enthusiasm as he approached the table.

Mr. Yang looked up from his meal, returning the smile. "Hoseok, my boy! Always a pleasure. What do you have for me today?"

With a mischievous glint in his eyes, Hoseok whipped out his mobile phone, tapping eagerly on the screen. "I've got something you might find interesting," he said cryptically before pulling up a video.

Curiosity piqued, Mr. Yang leaned in closer, his interest piqued by Hoseok's mysterious demeanor.

The video unfolded, revealing scenes of a heated argument between a man and a woman in a neighboring house. As the dialogue escalated, it became evident that the man, none other than Mr. Ok, was embroiled in a scandalous affair, much to the dismay of his wife.

Mr. Yang watched in stunned silence, his eyes widening with each revelation. "Well, well, well," he muttered under his breath, unable to tear his gaze away from the unfolding drama.

Hoseok smirked, reveling in the intrigue he had sparked. "Thought you might find that interesting," he quipped, his satisfaction evident in his tone.

Mr. Yang chuckled, shaking his head in amazement. "You never cease to impress, Hoseok. Thanks for sharing this with me."

With a wink and a nod, Hoseok returned to his duties, leaving Mr. Yang to ponder the secrets lurking within the seemingly tranquil confines of their neighborhood.

Jungkook hurried through the bustling streets of Seoul, the afternoon sun casting long shadows across the pavement. With a sense of urgency gnawing at him, he approached the sleek glass facade of the electronics store. His mind raced with thoughts of the crucial task at hand - purchasing a replacement charger for his laptop.

Entering the store, Jungkook navigated through the aisles, scanning the shelves for the right charger. Finally, he found it, relief flooding through him as he grasped the item in his hands. Swiftly making his way to the checkout counter, he reached into his pocket for his wallet, eager to complete the transaction and get back to work.

With practiced efficiency, Jungkook slid his card into the chip reader, his heart pounding in anticipation. However, as he glanced up at the cashier expectantly, his excitement turned to confusion as he saw the furrowed brow and apologetic expression on the cashier's face.

"I'm sorry, sir, but your card has been declined," the cashier informed him, her tone sympathetic.

Jungkook's brow furrowed in disbelief. He tried again, hoping it was just a glitch. But once more, the transaction was rejected, leaving Jungkook feeling a knot of frustration building in his stomach.

"I-I don't understand," Jungkook stammered, his voice betraying his growing anxiety. "There must be some mistake."

As the cashier called for assistance to investigate the issue, Jungkook's mind raced, trying to make sense of the situation. He had more than enough funds in his account, so why was his card being declined?

Minutes felt like hours as Jungkook waited, his impatience mounting with each passing second. Finally, the cashier returned, her expression somber.

"I'm sorry, sir, but it appears that your card has been blocked by your bank," she explained gently.

Jungkook felt a surge of panic coursing through him. His mind immediately jumped to the worst-case scenarios - had his account been compromised? Was someone else using his card?

Frantically, he reached for his phone, dialing the customer service number on the back of his card. As he navigated through the automated prompts, his heart pounded in his chest, his anxiety reaching a fever pitch.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity of waiting on hold, a voice came through the line. Jungkook wasted no time in explaining the situation, his words tumbling out in a rush as he pleaded for answers.

After what felt like an agonizingly long conversation, Jungkook's worst fears were confirmed. It wasn't a mistake or a case of fraud - his card had been intentionally blocked by his father, Mr. Jeon.

The realization hit Jungkook like a ton of bricks, leaving him reeling with shock and disbelief. Why would his father do such a thing? And more importantly, how was he supposed to handle this setback?

With a heavy heart and a mind filled with turmoil, Jungkook knew that he would have to confront his father about this betrayal. But as he stood in the midst of the bustling store, surrounded by strangers and the incessant hum of city life, he couldn't shake the sinking feeling that this was only the beginning of a much larger storm that was brewing on the horizon.

Jungkook stormed out of the electronics store, his steps heavy with anger and frustration. He practically flung himself into his car, the engine roaring to life as he peeled out of the parking lot with a screech of tires.

The drive home was a blur of adrenaline-fueled rage, each passing moment only serving to fuel Jungkook's fury. Thoughts of his father's betrayal swirled in his mind like a relentless storm, drowning out all rational thought as he navigated the busy streets with reckless abandon.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Jungkook pulled up to the sprawling estate that he begrudgingly called home. With a deep breath to steady himself, he climbed out of the car and marched towards the front door with determined purpose.

Inside, the house was eerily silent, the air heavy with tension and unspoken resentment. Jungkook ignored the prying eyes of the staff as he made his way to his room, his mind consumed by thoughts of confronting his father.

Once inside his room, Jungkook slammed the door shut behind him, the sound echoing like a gunshot in the stillness of the house. With trembling hands, he retrieved his phone from his pocket and dialed his father's number, his heart pounding in his chest with anticipation.

As the phone rang, Jungkook's impatience grew with each passing second. But just as he was about to give up hope, a robotic voice echoed through the line, informing him that the number he had dialed was unavailable and directing him to leave a message after the tone.

With a growl of frustration, Jungkook hurled his phone across the room, the device clattering against the wall with a resounding crash. "FUUCK!!" he exclaimed, his voice dripping with venomous anger as he collapsed onto his bed, his mind seething with a tumultuous mix of betrayal and resentment.

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