chapter 22

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Jimin stepped outside, his mind swirling with a tumult of conflicting emotions. He couldn't shake the feeling of unease that gnawed at him, the weight of Grandma's expectations heavy on his shoulders.

A few moments later, Jungkook emerged from the house, his expression guarded as he approached Jimin. "Let's go," he muttered tersely, gesturing towards his car parked nearby.

Jimin nodded silently, his gaze fixed on the ground as they made their way to the car. The atmosphere between them was tense, each of them lost in their own thoughts as they climbed into the vehicle.

As Jungkook started the engine, the silence stretched between them, thick and suffocating. Jimin couldn't help but steal glances at Jungkook, his mind racing with questions he didn't dare voice aloud.

Finally, unable to bear the silence any longer, Jimin cleared his throat, his voice hesitant. "I wonder how long your grandma will stay with us," he remarked, his tone laden with bitterness. "It's like they're forcing us to like each other."

Jungkook took a deep breath, focusing on the road.

The tension in the car was palpable, each word spoken like a dagger, cutting through the fragile facade of their strained relationship. With each passing moment, the distance between them seemed to grow, a silent reminder of the chasm that separated them.

As Jungkook halted at Jimin's workplace, Jimin alighted, only to witness Jungkook hastily driving away without a word. Frustrated, Jimin muttered a curse under his breath. Approaching the entrance, he found Namjoon with a worried expression. "Jimin... I hope you know that," Namjoon started, his tone heavy with concern.

With a resigned sigh, Jimin acknowledged, "Yes, I know, Namjoon." Together, they entered their expansive studio. Jimin dropped his bag onto the table and sank into his chair, weariness evident in his posture. "Some idiot ransacked my studio," he lamented, a mix of irritation and desperation coloring his voice.

Namjoon, adjusting his glasses, suggested, "I tried checking the security cameras, but they were offline. Perhaps the intruder hacked them. It seems like the work of a sophisticated group of thieves."

"No," Jimin scoffed, dismissing the notion. "It wasn't a group."

"Not a group?" Namjoon echoed, puzzled, as he settled beside Jimin.

"It was Jungkook," Jimin declared, his tone resolute.

Namjoon's disbelief was palpable. "Jungkook? But... why would he do that? This isn't just a simple matter; it's burglary."

"I provoked him," Jimin admitted. "But that doesn't justify his actions. He's crossed a line."

Namjoon listened attentively as Jimin continued, "And I'll make sure he understands the consequences of trespassing my boundaries."

On the picturesque shores of Kaanapali Beach in Hawaii, two intertwined couples reveled in the serenity of the azure expanse before them. Mrs. Park, her countenance radiant with contentment, reclined leisurely on the sun-kissed sands, adorned with chic sunglasses that shielded her eyes from the brilliant Hawaiian sun. "Hawaii truly is a marvel," she mused, her voice tinged with reverence. "For so long, I've yearned to set foot on this wondrous island."

Beside her, Mrs. Jeon, nestled comfortably on her own beach lounger, nodded in fervent agreement. "Indeed," she concurred, her gaze sweeping across the panoramic vista. "The abundance of beauty here is simply overwhelming. One scarcely knows where to begin exploring." With a soft sigh of satisfaction, she added, "It's a pity that Jungkook and Jimin couldn't join us for this idyllic retreat."

"I pray they've managed to reconcile their differences," Mrs. Park murmured, her thoughts momentarily drifting to their absent companions. Meanwhile, a figure emerged on the horizon, clad in a tastefully understated gray swimsuit paired with a vibrant crimson shirt adorned with tropical blooms. It was none other than Mr. Jeon, bearing a tray of refreshing fruit-infused beverages in his outstretched hands. "Ladies," he announced with a grin, "your refreshments await."

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