chapter 08

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"Huh? He actually slapped you?" Hoseok chuckled in surprise, waiting for Jungkook's confirmation.

Jungkook nodded, exhaling. "Yeah, he did. But I stand by what I said. He needed to hear it after belittling Taehyung right in front of me." He took a sip from his drink, and Hoseok nodded in understanding. Jungkook continued, "The moment he stormed out of my room, I could hear him sobbing from his own."

Hoseok laughed lightly. "Looks like you hit a nerve. Found his weak spot," he remarked, lifting the corner of his lips in amusement. He leaned back, a hint of amusement playing on his lips. "Well, that's quite a reaction. Guess he didn't expect that from you."

Jungkook shrugged, the tension from the argument still evident in his demeanor. "Doesn't give him a pass to speak ill of Taehyung like that."

Hoseok nodded in agreement. "You're right. But things got pretty heated. Are you planning to talk to him about it?"

Jungkook hesitated, his jaw clenching slightly. "I don't think so. I'm done trying to reason with him. He's just too arrogant to see it."

Hoseok understood Jungkook's frustration. "Sometimes, it's best to let things settle. But don't let it eat you up, okay?"

Jungkook nodded, a determined look in his eyes. "I won't. I'm not apologizing when I know I'm right."

Jimin stood by the floor-to-ceiling windows of his spacious studio, a cup of steaming coffee in hand, watching the city wake up beneath him. The early morning sunlight streamed through the glass, casting a golden hue over the room adorned with sketches, fabric swatches, and unfinished designs.

He took a sip of his coffee, savoring the rich aroma as he gazed out at the skyline. Despite the breathtaking view, his mind was elsewhere, consumed by the lingering echoes of the previous night's altercation with Jungkook.

Tension prickled at the edges of his thoughts, a subtle unease that he tried to brush aside as he delved into the day's tasks. His fingers gracefully flipped through fabric samples, seeking inspiration for his latest collection.

As he sketched, his mind wandered, thoughts drifting to the unexpected encounter with Jungkook. He wondered whether he should reach out, resolve the discord between them, or simply let it fade away as a mere blip in their forced cohabitation.

Lost in contemplation, Jimin barely noticed his assistant, Nayeon, stepping into the studio, a folder in hand. "Good morning, Mr. Park," she greeted, her tone cautious yet respectful.

Jimin turned, offering a faint smile. "Morning, Nayeon. What do you have for me today?"

She approached, handing him the folder. "The latest fabric samples you requested, sir. Also, the finalized schedule for today's fittings and design consultations."

"Thank you, Nayeon. Please, set up the conference room for the fittings at ten," Jimin instructed, flicking through the fabric swatches with a critical eye.

Nayeon nodded and left the room, leaving Jimin to immerse himself in the creative process once more. He spent the morning meticulously examining the fabrics, each one igniting a spark of inspiration for his upcoming line.

As noon approached, Jimin found himself engrossed in designing a new gown, his passion fueling the creative flow. His phone buzzed intermittently, reminders of meetings and calls, but he ignored them, seeking solace in his work.

Eventually, he stepped back, admiring the sketch before him, a satisfied smile tugging at his lips. A knock at the door interrupted his reverie, and Nayeon peeked in. "Mr. Park, the conference room is ready for the fittings."

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