chapter 05

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"I hope they get along well." Jimin's mom sighed as she leaned back in the airplane seat. Her husband who was sitting next to her nodded in agreement with a slight smile and said. "They will definitely be. Although our Jimin is somehow a little more cheeky in a way."

"Our future son-in-law certainly has good patience and I believe that he will be able to deal with our son as well. I believe that they will both like each other." She said with a satisfied smile on her face and looked towards the window of the plane.

"I am afraid." Mr. Jeon said at once when there was silence between him and his wife.

"Why?" His wife noticed and looked at him.

"You know how Jungkook is.. He'll definitely come up with something."

"Oh please.. You're exaggerating unnecessarily." his wife snorted at his words. "You talk as if our son is some kind of teenager."

"That's how he behaves."

His wife looked at him with a serious look after these words. He was right too. There were days when Jungkook didn't care what he did. He had trouble controlling his anger, he even went to a therapist and for treatment, but it seems that it is clearly not enough for him.

"If he comes up with something, Jimin will text me."

Jimin got out of the elevator and started down the hall straight to his office, but he was bumped into by a person, one of his employees. All the papers crumpled to the ground, and employee's heart nearly jumped out of his chest when he realized who he had just bumped into.


"Aish.." Jimin interrupted his stuttering. "Next time, if you don't take into account the fact that you pay attention to the road ahead at work, I won't take into account how valuable this job really is to you."

"Y-yes sir."

Jimin snorted and made a disgusted face. Here, when he was already approaching his office, his employees were whispering among themselves and when they noticed him coming, they all suddenly paid attention and let each other know with the sentence: he is here.

It was true that his employees were afraid of him, but they didn't want to lose their job where the salary was good, so they still respected him despite how nasty he could be to them, especially when he didn't like something. One tiny mistake, and everyone was in trouble. He wanted everything to be perfect, that's also why he's so successful.

He went into his office and closed the door behind him. He exhaled as he sat down in the chair behind the office desk. Everything in his office had a modern design. He turned on the laptop and waited for the screen to light up. He took a sketchbook with dress designs from the table and started flipping through the pages. He carefully checked his own designs. He realized that he had to come up with new clothing designs for work. He exhaled sharply and put the sketchbook back on the table.

*knock, knock.*

" Come in."

The door opened and his manager Namjoon appeared.

"We have a meeting, Jimin."



"Eh, okay, let's start. Celine refuses to cooperate, but that doesn't mean it's over." Namjoon spoke and started pointing at the chart. "We got full ratings in May, but then they dropped to 70%. Which means we have to make a change."

"How about changing the logo? We could come up with something more dynamic." suggested one who also came to the meeting.

"The logo design will remain as it is. I won't change anything." Her proposal was interrupted by Jimin who was writing something on a piece of paper.

"So fashion designs? For example, we could come up with some suggestions with more colorful colors. It's always been black the whole time." Namjoon proposed this time. Jimin looked up from his notebook and shot a look at his manager.

Now Namjoon was regretting saying his suggestion at all.

"Black is the color of elegance and youth. It is the color of inviolability and strength."

Namjoon gulped, trying to keep a calm face. He knew that this whole meeting would not succeed and that it would be useless.

"My designs are for people with confidence and self-righteousness. Not for needlessly sensitive and weak poor people."

The room fell silent after Jimin's words and everyone exchanged glances. Piss off your boss? They really didn't plan that. Some even regretted coming to the meeting, they couldn't look him in the face, so some bowed their heads.

"Ah yes..." Namjoon interrupted the silence, lowering his head in shame.

"Today's session ends, you can go." Said Jimin who stood up from his chair and was the first to leave the room.

Jimin was sitting at the table and was sketching out his designs with a pencil. It would be a lie if the words his employees said at today's meeting were not running through Jimin's head. He wanted to have perfect designs, and the ones he proposed so far were always liked by himself, he did not intend to change anything about them. He alerted when he heard footsteps in the corridor. Of course, who else would it be than the bastard Jungkook. Jimin rolled his eyes at that and exhaled, but then got serious about it. He needed someone to evaluate his fashion designs.

"Ya!! Come here!" Jimin called Jungkook. Jungkook stopped and turned all the way to him. He raised one eyebrow and looked at Jimin in judgment.

"I need you to look at something."

"I'm not your secretary. So don't confuse me with it." Jungkook snapped at him monotonously and turned around again. Jimin exhaled sharply. Jungkook's behavior literally irritated him.

"I would appreciate it if you wouldn't be so arrogant and kindly tell me your opinion on my suggestions."

Jungkook stopped again and turned back to Jimin. He hesitated for a second whether to ditch this spoiled prince and go do something else or really look at his suggestions. Jimin looked at him, waiting to see if Jungkook would show him that kindness. He finally saw Jungkook coming to the table. Jimin took the sketchbook in his hands, in which designs were drawn, and held it in front of Jungkook, waiting for him to take the sketchbook in his hand. Jungkook finally took the sketchbook and slowly started flipping through it. Jimin watched Jungkook's face and prayed that he would at least slightly appreciate his suggestions. However, he was stopped by the chuckle he heard from Jungkook.

"What?..." Jimin asked him.

"Are these designs for hookers?"

" Excuse me?"

"Well.. you know. A person wearing this dress would be completely exposed."

"My designs are for people with beautiful bodies." Jimin muttered who was getting annoyed.

Jungkook leaned his palms on the table and leaned slightly closer to Jimin, who had a frown on his face. "Well, but... You should also think about people who don't feel satisfied with their bodies and don't like to reveal themselves."

There was silence between them. Jimin couldn't bear to look at Jeon Jungkook's disgusting face anymore. He would prefer to slap him right now and shove these suggestions down his throat so he can choke on them. Jungkook was enjoying the sight of an angry and offended Jimin. Making fun of him and provoking him would become his next hobby.

"Fucking Jeon Jungkook." Jimin scolded through gritted teeth as soon as Jungkook left. He tore out a page from his sketchbook that had a design drawn on it, crumpled it aggressively and threw it in the direction Jungkook was leaving.

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