chapter 14

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Namjoon strode purposefully towards his car, the steady rhythm of his steps interrupted by the sharp edge of a woman's voice slicing through the tranquility. It was Vicky, his ever-loyal assistant, her demeanor exuding a mix of nonchalance and mischief as she leaned casually against the sleek frame of his vehicle, her stylish sunglasses masking whatever emotions lurked behind them. With arms folded over her chest, she seemed to be playing the role of a clandestine operative, her words laced with a hint of sarcasm that danced on the edge of insolence.

"Ah, so now you've taken up the mantle of the helpful neighbor?" she quipped, her tone dripping with disdain. "How noble of you."

Namjoon's response was swift, his patience worn thin by her persistent jibes. With a weary sigh, he reached for the car door, fingers curling around the handle as he shot her a warning glance. "Shut up, or I will fire you."

But Vicky remained unfazed, her confidence unshaken by his empty threat. With a roll of her eyes, she followed him into the car and settled into the passenger seat, her seatbelt clicking into place with a finality that mirrored her amusement. "Doing the dirty work again, I see," she remarked, her voice laced with amusement as she turned to face him, her gaze dancing with mischief. "Finding Taehyung's address wasn't exactly on my list of job duties."

Namjoon's glare was met with Vicky's teasing showing no signs of abating as she continued to push his buttons with practiced ease. "But then again, when love comes knocking, even the most mundane tasks take on a certain... romantic allure, don't they?"

Namjoon sighed, as he tried to drown out her taunts with the steady hum of the engine. "I'm not in love," he muttered, the words sounding more like a mantra meant to convince himself rather than her.

"Sure you're not," she teased, her tone teasingly incredulous. "You're practically oozing Joe Goldberg vibes, you know."

The fluorescent lights hummed softly overhead as Jungkook and Jimin found themselves in the same bustling office building, drawn together by the gravity of their families' negotiations. They attended as representatives of their respective families, tasked with making sure the merger goes smoothly.Despite the professional setting, the tension between them crackled like static electricity, waiting for the slightest spark to ignite a confrontation.

Spotting Jimin across the crowded lobby, Jungkook couldn't resist the opportunity to stir the proverbial pot. With a smug grin, he sauntered over, his steps deliberate as he approached his unsuspecting target from behind.

"Fancy meeting you here," Jungkook drawled, his voice dripping with mock surprise as he sidled up to his rival.

Jimin's jaw tensed at the sound of Jungkook's voice, his grip on his briefcase tightening involuntarily. Swallowing his frustration, replied through gritted teeth, "What do you want?"

Leaning in closer, Jungkook's smirk widened as he relished the opportunity to get under Jimin's skin. "Oh, nothing much," he replied nonchalantly, his tone laced with amusement. "Just couldn't resist the chance to see how you made it home that night after I left you stranded in the middle of the road."

Jimin's eyes narrowed at the reminder of their last encounter, his patience wearing thin. "You think that's funny?" he snapped, his voice tinged with anger. "Leaving me alone in the middle of nowhere, driving off with the car like some kind of coward?"

Jungkook shrugged, his casual demeanor belying the tension between them. "Hey, it's not my fault you can't handle a little adventure," he retorted, his tone flippant. "Besides, I did you a favor. Gave you some time to reflect on your life choices." He leans closer and whispered mockingly. "Did you crawl home on all fours?"

Jimin's nostrils flared at Jungkook's condescending tone, his temper reaching its boiling point. Without warning, he seized a nearby stack of papers from a nearby table and flung them towards Jungkook's face with all the force he could muster.

The papers scattered in the air like confetti, their crisp edges slicing through the silence of the room. Jungkook recoiled, his eyes widening in shock as the documents fluttered around him, a stark reminder of Jimin's simmering rage.

Jimin declared, his voice echoing through the lobby as he glared at Jungkook, his chest heaving with pent-up emotion. "I'm tired of your childish games. If you want a fight, you've got one." With that, Jimin turned on his heel and left the room.

In the hushed twilight of a suburban evening, Mr. Yang leaned in close to Hoseok, his voice tight with apprehension. "Mr. Ok should be back any moment now, along with his company," he murmured, his words barely audible over the gentle rustle of leaves in the cooling breeze.

A seasoned man of fifty-five, Mr. Yang bore the marks of a life fully lived. His face, weathered by time and experience, betrayed the weight of countless secrets. Beside him stood Hoseok, a younger companion, his eyes darting nervously between Mr. Yang and the road ahead.

Together, they crouched behind the weathered fence that divided their plots, hidden from view as they awaited the arrival of their neighbor, Mr. Ok. Tension hung thick in the air, palpable and suffocating, as they watched and waited.

Minutes stretched into eternity before the distant hum of an approaching car broke the silence. Mr. Yang's grip tightened on Hoseok's shoulder, his breath catching in his throat. "Ah," he breathed, barely louder than a whisper, "it's coming."

As Mr. Ok's car rolled to a stop, the anticipation reached a fever pitch. Hoseok's heart hammered against his ribs, his senses on high alert as he strained to catch a glimpse of the woman who accompanied Mr. Ok.

The car door swung open, and out stepped a figure shrouded in shadows, her features obscured by the fading light of the day. Mr. Yang's gaze narrowed as he recognized the woman, a flicker of recognition crossing his weathered features.

"It's her," he whispered to Hoseok, his voice tinged with resignation. "The one Mr. Ok has been seeing behind his wife's back."

Hoseok's stomach churned at the revelation, a mix of disgust and pity washing over him. He knew he should heed Mr. Yang's warning, but his curiosity burned bright within him.

Hoseok's brow furrowed as he observed Mr. Ok's company, a young woman whose presence seemed incongruous against the backdrop of Mr. Ok's advancing age. "Isn't that woman a little young for him?" he mused aloud, his tone laced with a hint of skepticism.

Mr. Yang's lips curved into a knowing smile, amusement dancing in his eyes as he regarded the scene before them. "Ah, yes," he acknowledged with a chuckle, his voice carrying a hint of irony. "It does seem that Mr. Ok has developed a taste for youthful companionship."

Hoseok nodded in agreement, though his expression betrayed a mix of curiosity and disapproval. The disparity in age between Mr. Ok and his companion was undeniable, prompting questions about the nature of their relationship and the motivations behind it.

"It's not uncommon for men of a certain age to seek out younger partners," Mr. Yang remarked, his tone thoughtful. "But one can't help but wonder what draws Mr. Ok to someone so much younger than himself."

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