chapter 13

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In the tranquil suburb where Taehyung's family resided, Taehyung's father, Mr. Kim, embarked on the daunting task of taming the unruly garden that surrounded their home. Armed with determination and a slightly temperamental lawnmower, Mr. Kim ventured out into the yard, unaware of the humorous twist fate had in store for him.

As Mr. Kim grappled with the stubborn lawnmower, his brow furrowed in concentration, a passerby happened upon the scene. Namjoon, a kind-hearted stranger with a helpful disposition, couldn't help but notice Mr. Kim's predicament as he walked by.

"Hey, do you need a hand with that?" Namjoon called out, his voice carrying across the quiet street.

Startled by the unexpected offer of assistance, Mr. Kim looked up from his struggle with the lawnmower, surprise flickering in his eyes as he took in the sight of the stranger before him. "Oh, um... yes, please," he replied, his voice tinged with relief.

With a friendly smile, Namjoon approached, rolling up his sleeves in readiness for the task ahead. "I'm Namjoon, by the way," he offered, extending a hand in greeting.

Mr. Kim returned the smile, shaking Namjoon's hand firmly. "Nice to meet you, Namjoon. I'm Mr. Kim," he introduced himself, gratitude evident in his voice.

Together, they grappled with the unruly lawnmower, their efforts punctuated by the occasional grunt of exertion and the whirr of machinery. As they worked side by side, a sense of camaraderie blossomed between them—a shared bond forged in the heat of their impromptu teamwork.

After what felt like an eternity of struggle, they finally managed to bring the wayward lawnmower to a halt, the yard now sporting a somewhat uneven but freshly mown appearance. As they stood side by side, surveying their handiwork, a sense of satisfaction filled the air.

"Thanks for the help, Namjoon," Mr. Kim said, gratitude evident in his warm smile.

Namjoon nodded, returning the smile with a nod of his own. "No problem at all, Mr. Kim. Glad I could lend a hand," he replied, his tone friendly and genuine.

As Namjoon turned to leave, Mr. Kim felt a sudden urge to extend a gesture of gratitude. "Hey, Namjoon, would you like to join me for a cup of tea? It's the least I can do to thank you for your help," he offered, his voice warm with sincerity.

Namjoon hesitated, his initial instinct to decline, but something about Mr. Kim's earnestness touched him. "Oh, I don't want to impose," he replied, a polite smile on his lips.

Mr. Kim waved off the concern with a friendly chuckle. "Nonsense! Consider it a neighborly invitation," he insisted, gesturing towards the cozy patio of his home.

After a moment's consideration, Namjoon found himself unable to resist the genuine kindness in Mr. Kim's offer. "Well, in that case, I suppose I could use a break. I'd love to join you for that cup of tea," he conceded, his smile growing wider.

As they settled in over cups of warm tea, Mr. Kim leaned forward, curiosity evident in his expression. "So, Namjoon, tell me a bit about yourself. What do you do?" he inquired, genuinely interested in learning more about his newfound acquaintance.

Namjoon smiled, grateful for the opportunity to share a bit about his life. "Well, Mr. Kim, I work as a fashion manager," he explained, his tone filled with passion for his profession.

Mr. Kim's interest was immediately piqued. "A fashion manager, you say? That sounds fascinating. Do you work with any well-known designers?" he asked, leaning in with genuine curiosity.

Namjoon nodded, a proud glint in his eye. "Yes, I have the privilege of managing a talented designer named Park Jimin. He's making waves in the fashion industry, and it's been an incredible journey to be a part of," he replied, his voice tinged with pride.

"Ah, yes, I've heard of him. His designs are exquisite. It must be exciting to work with such a talented individual," he remarked, impressed by Namjoon's connection to a successful designer.

Namjoon nodded, a smile spreading across his face. "Indeed, it is. Jimin's creativity knows no bounds, and it's been a pleasure to help bring his vision to life," he admitted, his passion for his work evident in his words.

As their conversation flowed, Namjoon's gaze wandered to a framed photograph displayed prominently on the nearby shelf. In the photo, Mr. Kim stood proudly beside a young man with a warm smile, their arms draped over each other's shoulders. Namjoon recognized the familiar face immediately—it was the same young man he had encountered at Bulgogi Bonanza.

Curiosity piqued, Namjoon feigned innocence as he turned to Mr. Kim with a gentle smile. "Who's the young man in the photo?" he asked, his tone casual yet intrigued.

Mr. Kim's expression softened as he glanced at the photograph, a fond smile gracing his lips. "Ah, that's my son, Taehyung," he replied, his voice tinged with pride. "He's my pride and joy, a truly remarkable young man."

Namjoon nodded, his interest piqued by Mr. Kim's heartfelt words. "He sounds like an incredible person," he remarked, genuine admiration in his voice.

Mr. Kim's eyes sparkled with paternal affection as he spoke of his son. "Oh, he is. Taehyung is kind-hearted, talented, and always willing to lend a helping hand," he continued, his voice filled with warmth.

As Mr. Kim shared stories of Taehyung's achievements and passions, Namjoon couldn't help but be moved by the depth of the father-son bond. It was clear that Mr. Kim cherished his son dearly, and the love between them was palpable.

But amidst the tales of joy and success, there was also a hint of sorrow in Mr. Kim's voice—a shadow of loss that lingered in the depths of his gaze. "We've been through a lot together, Taehyung and I," he confided, his voice soft with emotion. "After losing his mother, we've relied on each other for strength and support."

Namjoon listened intently, his heart going out to Mr. Kim as he shared his story. He couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for the heartfelt conversation he shared with Mr. Kim. The stories of love, loss, and resilience had touched him deeply, reminding him of the power of familial bonds and the strength that could be found in shared experiences.

With a gentle smile, Namjoon shifted the conversation to lighter topics, eager to learn more about Mr. Kim's interests and hobbies. As they chatted amiably over their cups of tea, the air was filled with laughter and camaraderie, the weight of the earlier conversation lifting with each passing moment.

As the evening drew to a close, Namjoon rose from his seat, feeling a renewed sense of connection to Mr. Kim and a deep appreciation for the kindness he had shown. "Thank you for the lovely conversation, Mr. Kim. It's been a pleasure getting to know you," he said, sincerity evident in his voice.

Mr. Kim smiled warmly, returning Namjoon's sentiment with a nod of his own. "The pleasure was all mine, Namjoon. Thank you for joining me for tea," he replied, genuine appreciation shining in his eyes.

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