chapter 21

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In the serene embrace of dawn, a cascade of golden sunlight danced through the parted curtains, illuminating the room with a gentle warmth. Jimin stirred from his slumber, the soft tendrils of morning light coaxing his eyes to flutter open. Blinking away the remnants of sleep, he found himself nestled in the embrace of a plush, inviting bed, the coziness wrapping around him like a familiar embrace.

As Jimin's senses gradually sharpened, he became aware of a peculiar sensation. His gaze drifted towards the floor where Jungkook lay, peacefully ensconced in slumber. A furrow creased Jimin's brow as he puzzled over the unexpected arrangement. Had Jungkook swapped their sleeping spots while he was lost in the realm of dreams? The realization dawned upon him, mingled with a hint of surprise and curiosity.

With a mix of bewilderment and irritation, Jimin sat up, casting a questioning glance at the sleeping figure on the floor. His hand instinctively reached for a nearby pillow, seizing it with a swift motion before launching it towards Jungkook's unsuspecting face.

Jungkook's peaceful repose shattered in an instant, replaced by a startled yelp as the pillow collided with his face, rousing him from his slumber. Rubbing the sleep from his eyes, he blinked in confusion, trying to make sense of the abrupt awakening.

"What the hell...?" Jungkook's voice was laced with a blend of shock and grogginess, his brows furrowing in confusion.

Jimin's lips twisted into a scowl as he confronted Jungkook with a pointed question, his tone edged with annoyance. "Did you switch our places?" he demanded, the words tinged with frustration.

Jungkook, now fully awake, met Jimin's gaze with a sheepish expression, his response tinged with a hint of guilt. "Practically speaking, yes," he admitted, his voice carrying a note of resignation.

Jimin's incredulous gaze swept across the room, his mind struggling to comprehend Jungkook's actions. "But why?" he questioned, his tone a mixture of disbelief and irritation. "I didn't ask you to."

A sigh escaped Jungkook's lips, a flicker of frustration crossing his features as he struggled to find the right words. "Damn it... and here we are again," he muttered under his breath, a hint of exasperation coloring his voice.

Jimin's patience wore thin, his frustration bubbling to the surface as he confronted Jungkook's cryptic response. "Excuse me!?" he hissed, his eyes narrowing in suspicion.

Jungkook's voice took on a defensive edge, tinged with a hint of hurt. "Damn... Why are you so ungrateful?" he retorted, a note of frustration creeping into his tone. "I've been showing you kindness for first time, and you can't appreciate it?" A sigh escaped his lips, the weight of regret evident in his voice.

"Yeah, I'd be more comfortable on the ground," Jimin snapped, his gaze averted as he struggled to mask his own frustration.

As Jimin and Jungkook exchanged tense glances, a familiar voice echoed down the hallway, sending a shiver of panic through their veins. It was Jungkook's grandmother, her footsteps drawing nearer to their room.

"Jimin! Jungkook! Are you awake?" Her sweet yet authoritative voice sliced through the air.

Jungkook's eyes widened in alarm, realizing the urgency of their situation. "Grandma's coming," he urged urgently.

Jimin hesitated, torn between discomfort and necessity. "But I don't want to," he protested quietly, stubbornness lacing his voice.

With a glare, Jungkook snapped, "Shut up and do as I say."

In silent agreement of the charade ahead, Jungkook swiftly cleared the scattered items off the floor, his movements efficient but lacking warmth.

Reluctantly, Jungkook joined Jimin on the bed, his heart heavy with resentment and frustration. Ignoring Jimin's icy demeanor, he pulled him into a forced hug, mirroring the forced nature of their relationship. Jimin stiffened at the touch, his discomfort palpable.

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