chapter 09

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In the early morning, Jimin stood upon the terrace of his familial abode, breathing in the freshly minted aroma that pervaded the air and gazing upon the familiar vistas in which he had grown up. He put the cigarette he had lit betwixt his lips and inhaled the nicotine, enjoying the tranquility for a fleeting moment until his phone rang and he descried it to be a video call from his mother. He hastily answered the call, albeit grudgingly, and beheld that it was a video call from his mother. "Hi Mom," Jimin smiled weakly.

A grimace formed upon her mother's countenance as she noticed the place where he was. "Jimin? Why are you not dwelling in Jeon's mansion?"

Jimin made a futile endeavour to elude the question. "Well, I simply required a change of scenery."

His mother did not appear to believe him. "Don't try to lie to me! Why aren't you in Jeon's mansion? Wait.. You again provoked Jungkook ?"

Jimin frowned, defensively. "It is none of your business mom..."

"It is my business! You shall be betrothed, Jimin! You cannot continue fleeing when you have a disagreement!" His mother said resolutely.

Jimin began to be visibly frustrated. "You do not comprehend.. Jungkook can be so infuriating! We had a disagreement so I necessary some distance."

His mother looked at him through the video call, displeased. "Distance will not amend anything. You need to learn to deal with disagreements."

Jimin still stubborn and raised his voice slightly. "I am not going back there! I cannot stand to be around Jungkook!"

His mother stared at him exasperated. "You two have to resolve this. Consider the repercussions. For both! For families!"

Growing increasingly vexed, Jimin said in frustration. "I do not care about the ramifications! I am tired of pretending everything is fine!"

His mother frowned, her voice firm. "Jimin, pay attention. Sometimes we are required to do things we do not fancy for the greater good."

Jimin inquired hesitantly. "What do you mean?"

His mother sighed and altered her tone. "There is a charity gala tonight, and both you and Jungkook are expected to attend. It is significant for our image and the company's reputation."

Jimin's mouth dropped, shocked. "What?! I cannot go with him!"

His mother looked at him through the call, insistent. "You have to. It is vital. Demonstrate everyone that the Park and Jeon families are united."

Jimin remains silent, hesitant. After some seconds of silence, he ran his hands through his blonde hair in frustration and hesitation. "Alright, I'll go."

His mother smiled faintly. "Thanks, sweetie. I know it's not easy, but it means a lot."

Jimin ended the call, a combination of emotions evident on his visage as he contemplates the upcoming evening.

Jimin gazed out the car window, his expression set, as Jungkook drove, the tension between them palpable.

After a drawn-out silence, Jungkook eventually spoke, his tone terse. "You might make the effort to appear civil for this evening."

Jimin shot back, his voice infused with resentment. "Civil? Is that how you describe our facade? It's naught but a sham."

Jungkook's grip tightened on the steering wheel. "I've grown weary of your shenanigans. Can we not simply argue this evening without stoking further drama?"

"For fear of marring the spotless reputation of the Jeon name, right?" Jimin retorted, his words barbed as swords.

An edge crept into Jungkook's voice. "Says the one who flees at the first hint of adversity."

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