chapter 19

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In the waning hours of the evening, the Jeon family estate lay cloaked in a velvety silence, the only sound permeating the stillness being the faint rustle of leaves stirred by a gentle breeze. Within the confines of this stately residence, a delicate dance unfolded, one of familial duty and clandestine desires.

Jimin, bearing the weight of his responsibilities with grace, approached Jumgkook's grandmother with a tender yet restrained smile adorning his lips. "Grandma, your quarters await you," he murmured softly, his voice a soothing melody amidst the quietude of the night.

A glimmer of gratitude flickered in the elderly woman's eyes as she offered a word of thanks. "Thank you, dear," she replied, her voice a gentle echo in the cavernous halls of the mansion.

With a nod of acknowledgment, Jimin proceeded to orchestrate the seamless transition of grandmother to her appointed chambers, ensuring her comfort with the practiced ease of a caretaker guided by filial piety.

Meanwhile, in a distant corner of the estate, Jungkook, the scion of the Jeon lineage, found himself preparing to retire for the night, the weight of his responsibilities etched upon his features like a silent burden. As he meticulously arranged his surroundings in anticipation of rest, the intrusion of an unexpected presence shattered the tranquility of his solitude.

The sharp click of the door's latch echoed through the room, drawing Jungkook's attention like a moth to flame. With an instinct honed by years of vigilance, he turned abruptly, his expression contorted into a mask of displeasure. "What the hell are you doing here?!" he demanded, his voice a low growl tinged with a hint of apprehension.

"What am I doing here? Your grandma took the room I used to sleep in," Jimin's voice echoed, a blend of confusion and frustration.

But Jungkook remained unmoved, his resolve as unyielding as the stone walls surrounding them. "So? It's not my problem, so get out," he retorted, his tone sharp with annoyance.

Undeterred, Jimin pressed on, his steps measured and purposeful. "How can you be still so childish?" His words hung in the air, a challenge thrown into the arena of their disagreement.

Jungkook's lip curled in disgust, his features contorted with disdain. "Do you think I'm going to fucking let you sleep in my room, in the same bed together?" His words dripped with venom, a stark reminder of the boundaries he refused to breach.

Jimin's response was swift, a flash of defiance in his eyes. "And who said on one bed?" he snapped back, his voice tinged with defiance. "I'll easily make a place for myself on the ground and sleep there."

Jungkook's frown deepened, his resolve unwavering despite Jimin's persistence. But Jimin met his gaze head-on, unwavering in his determination.

"No..Get out of here. There's a couch in the living room," Jungkook's words were sharp, his tone cutting through the tension like a knife.

But Jimin was not about to retreat, his pride refusing to bow to Jungkook's demands. "Are you nuts? You're going to let me sleep on the fucking couch!? What's grandma gonna think about that? Think!" His frustration bubbled to the surface, his patience wearing thin.

Jungkook's cold glare pierced through Jimin's defiance, his icy gaze locking onto Jimin's unwavering stare. "I'm telling you to leave," he commanded, his voice laced with a cold determination.

Yet Jimin stood firm, his chin held high in defiance. With each step forward, he dared Jungkook to challenge him further, his courage a shield against Jungkook's cold demeanor.

"No.." he echoed, the word resonating with a quiet strength. "...I'll stay here."

The silence shattered under Jimin's relentless pounding on Jungkook's door, the sound reverberating through the stillness of the night like an echo of pent-up frustration. "Open the door! This is ridiculous!" His voice, tinged with anger, pierced the tranquility of the Jeon mansion, a stark contrast to the peaceful facade it portrayed.

Jungkook, barricaded within his room, remained resolute, his determination etched into the lines of his clenched jaw. He had no intention of yielding to Jimin's demands, not after their recent clash during the sleepover. Ignoring Jimin's tirade, he stood firm, a silent sentinel guarding his solitude.

But Jimin was undeterred, his persistence fueled by righteous indignation. "Are you listening?!" His voice rose in frustration, each word a hammer blow against Jungkook's resolve. He refused to be silenced, refused to let Jungkook retreat into the safety of his isolation.

Yet, despite Jimin's fervent pleas, Jungkook remained unmoved, a bastion of stoicism in the face of Jimin's onslaught. His silence spoke volumes, a silent declaration of his unwillingness to engage in this battle of wills.

Growing increasingly desperate, Jimin's threats turned venomous. "You stupid asshole! Just so you know, your behavior is really fucking childish. You should finally come to your damn senses!" His words, sharp like barbed wire, lashed out at Jungkook, each syllable dripping with disdain.

But Jungkook remained steadfast, his resolve unyielding in the face of Jimin's verbal assault. He refused to dignify Jimin's accusations with a response, his silence a shield against the onslaught of Jimin's anger.

Undeterred, Jimin escalated the confrontation, his voice ringing out like a clarion call in the night. "I'm going to call grandma and explain to her everything that's hiding under this shitty facade." His threat hung in the air, a tangible reminder of the stakes at hand.


And in that moment, faced with the prospect of exposure, Jungkook relented. With a resigned sigh, he unlocked the door, pulling Jimin into the room before slamming it shut behind them, sealing them in a cocoon of tension and unresolved emotions.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" Jungkook's voice was low, his irritation palpable as he pushed Jimin against the wall, his hand clamping over Jimin's mouth to stifle any further outbursts.

But Jimin refused to be silenced, his eyes ablaze with defiance as he struggled against Jungkook's grip. "Leave me alone!!" His muffled protests reverberated against Jungkook's palm, each word a testament to his unyielding spirit.

With a frustrated hiss, Jungkook removed his hand from Jimin's mouth, his gaze wary as it flicked to the closed door, mindful of any potential eavesdroppers. "Do you want the whole fucking world to hear us?"

Jimin met his gaze head-on, his frustration boiling over into a torrent of emotion. "I don't care who hears us. You are unreasonable."

"Unreasonable?" Jungkook scoffed, his annoyance palpable. "You're the one who broke into my room in the middle of the night."

Jimin's eyes narrowed, his resolve unbroken. "You said you care about your family... So let us play the fucking act!"

A tense silence descended upon them, and Jungkook glared at Jimin in irritation.

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