Chapter 1

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"He is literally so perfect." I mumbled under my breath and continued to stare.

"Louis watch out!" I heard.

I looked at the direction of the voice and in no time I felt pain. I groaned and fell on the floor.

"Fuck that hurt." I said and grabbed my nose.

"You deserved it." my best friend Zayn said laughing.

I rolled my eyes at him as he give me his hand to get up.

"Why did I deserved that?" I asked him.

"Because you are not focused on me." he said as he started throwing punches at me again.

"How can I be when there is the hottest man alive just few meters away from me?" I asked as I ducked the punch.

"I'm surprised how you haven't fucked him yet." Zayn said.

"Yea me too." I said annoyed.

"I mean what doesn't he like about me? I'm handsome and everybody would be happy to spend the night with me." I said and started attacking Zayn.

"You're annoying and full of yourself." I heard angelic voice say and I froze.

"Oh God here we go again." I heard Zayn sigh annoyed.

"Just keep saying that to yourself babe. You know you want me too." I smirked and looked at him as he rolled his beautiful green eyes.

"You guys should just fuck already." Liam said.

Liam was my second best friend and also Zayn's boyfriend for last three years.

"With him? Not even in my dreams." Harry said annoyed.

"Oh baby we did more then just fuck in my dreams." I said with a confident smirk.

In the next moment I saw Harry taking off his boxing gloves and throw them at my face.

"Harry that really wasn't necessary." Harry's best friend Niall sighed annoyed.

Harry just rolled his eyes annoyed and left the gym with Niall following him. I was watching after him and I felt myself drool.

"Louis." Zayn sighed annoyed.

"You're drooling again." he said.

"Do I look like I give a fuck about that right now?" I asked and lay down with a sigh.

"You're so hopelessly in love with him Louis." Liam said as he hugged Zayn from behind.

I rolled my eyes and gagged at them. They really are cute together and everything but they show a bit too much affection for each other for my liking.

"I'm not in love with him. I just want to fuck him to get him out of my system already." I said.

"Keep telling that to yourself." Liam said.

"Come on darling." Zayn said.

"Let him be hopelessly in love and go. We have a date." he said and Liam nodded.

"See you later Louis." they said as they took their things.

"See you guys later." I said as they left.

I just sighed and got up from the floor. I went to the bathroom to fill my bottle and started putting gym equipment away. I was half way trough putting them away when I heard the gym door open. I looked at the door and was shocked to see Harry come in.

"Already back? Missed me that much?" I said with a smirk and I saw him getting annoyed.

"I've come to apologize." he said as he come in front of me.

"Apologize for what?" I asked confused.

"For calling you annoying and full of yourself earlier. I shouldn't have say that." Harry said and he flashed me one of his dimpled smiled.

I just smiled back at him and nodded.

"Apology accepted." I said and he nodded.

'Oh god how I wish you would be drunk again right now.' I thought to myself as we just stared at each other.

"What? Why?" Harry asked out of blue.

"What why?" I asked confused.

"You just said you wish I was drunk again right now. Why did you say that?" he said and my eyes grow wide.

"I didn't say that." I said.

"You just did. Tell me what you mean by that?" he asked getting angry by mow.

"I didn't say anything." I said and started leaving.

I took my bottle and I was about to leave when I felt Harry grab my hand. He turned me around and pushed me against the wall.

"Tell me what you meant by what you said Louis." Harry said and his usually light green eyes were turned dark green.

I just stayed silent and saw him getting more and more angry. I know I shouldn't play with him like this because I know about his anger issues but I can't risk it and admit everything. I will be fucked if he finds out.

"Fucking just tell me what you meant by that Louis." Harry shouted.

"Because you always come to my room and stay the night with me." I shouted back without thinking.

Harry's eyes grow wide as well as mine when I realized that my secret was out.

"What?" he asked shocked and let go of me.

I rubbed my face and sighed.

"Every time when you're drunk you come to my room and stay with me in my room. You're always so wasted that you don't remember it next morning." I said.

He sook his head and took step back from me.

"So that's why you always say those things about me? You want to fuck me and use me again?" he asked and hurt was obvious in his voice.

"We never fucked." I said and he looked at me shocked.

"I'm not like that Harry. I would never use you while drunk like that." I said and he nodded.

"But we made out few times." I said after few minutes of silence.

"No no no. Fuck no." he said frustrated and started panicking.

"Don't worry it was before your boyfriend." I said and he froze in place.

"How do you know that?" he asked shocked.

"Two months ago when you and Niall went out you come back drunk. You came to my room and started kissing me. When I pulled away you told me that I'm better kisser then your boyfriend. That was the last time we made out. After that when you came to my room drunk I would just put you in bed and went to sleep on the couch. So don't worry you never cheated on your boyfriend or slept with me." I said.

"I-I got to go." Harry said and run out of the gym.

I just sighed sadly and slide down the wall.

"Well played idiot, well played." I said sadly.

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