Chapter 15

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"Harry come on we have work to do."Niall said and shook me.

"I don't want to go anywhere Niall. Every guy I see reminds me of him and I think I'm going crazy."I said and he sighed.

"Fine then. Die alone in your fucking room then."Niall said angry and left.

I just sighed and sat up. This is to much for me. It's bit a little over a month since I woke up from coma and I still can't believe I imagined everything. I looked trough the cameras and there is no trace of me and Louis anywhere. I even checked the video from the day in France but weirdly I never found anything. It was weird because when something like this happens they always keep the videos. Sighing deeply I got up from the bed and decided to go for a walk and clear my head. After I walked for

around the town for a while I noticed someone was following me. I started taking turns in unknown direction and the hooded man was still following me. I took my gun from the waistband of my jeans and loaded it. I made my way in one abandoned alley and hide behind the trash cane. The man soon after entered the alley and looked around. When he turned around from the cane I jumped up and pinned him against the wall with gun pressed to his temple.

"Why the fuck are you following me?"I asked getting angry.

The man just chuckled before he turned us so I was pinned against the door and my gun was dropped to the ground. The man just smiled and did something I never expected him to do. He kissed me. The kiss was so soft and familiar and I just relaxed and kissed him back. He let go of my hands and I wrapped my hand around his neck.

"Pleas tell me that you're who I think you are."I whispered breathless.

"Harry open your eyes."the man said and my heart speed up.

It was him. His touch, his lips and his voice. It was my Louis.

"No. You'll disappear and I'll wake up alone."I said.

"Harry babe, open your eyes and look at me. I'm right here and I'm not going anywhere again."he said.

I slowly opened my eyes and they meet pair of blue eyes and fake blond hair.

"You're the guys from the club."I said shocked.

"Yea...Shouldn't have done that but was jealous of other

guys that were looking at what's mine."Louis said and kissed me again.

"Did I really dream everything while in coma? Did I imagine being with you?"I asked, scared of the answer.

Louis put his hand on my cheek and wiped the tears, I didn't even notice, away.

"It was all real Harry. Everything was real."he said.

"Why did everyone convince me that I imagined it all and that you died?"I asked confused.

"Because it was all part of the plan. I needed everyone think that I died and if you know I was alive I know I would just spend all my time with you and wouldn't get anything done."he said.

"I was suppose to be away from your for at last one more month but I couldn't do that to you or myself anymore. I missed my babe so much."Louis said softly and I grinned at him like a child.

"What plan were you talking about?"I asked.

"We're going to take over the underground."he said with a smirk and my eyes went wide.

"Is that even possible?"I asked.

"Of course it is babe. I'll make impossible possible for you."he said and kissed me softly.

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