Chapter 3

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I was laying in my bed when I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in."I said.

The door opened and Des,Harry's dad,entered the room.

"Is something wrong?"I asked because I know he doesn't come to me unless there is a problem.

"No no no.I just wanted to talk with you about Harry."he said and sat down next to me.

"I think you should go talk to Liam and Niall. They know more about him then I do."I said.

"Well they aren't here right now so I've come to talk to you."he said.

"What do you want to know then?"I asked.

"What is happening between my son and you?"he asked.

"There is nothing going on between us. He dislikes me."I said.

"What do you mean?"Das asked confused.

"He hates me for no reason. He can't stand me."I said sadly.

"And you are hurt because you're in love with him."he said.

"I'm not in love with him. It's just attraction. Nothing more."I said and he chuckled.

"Keep telling yourself that.That's what your father use to say about your mother and now look at him. Married to her,have 1 handsome son and 4 beautiful girls."he said and I smiled.

"This is different. Harry has a boyfriend and he would never be with me."I said.

I looked at Das and he was biting his lip while looking at the floor. By his body language I saw that he was nervous about something.

"Is there something you want to tell me?"I asked him and he froze.

"N-No no-I juts remembered that your dad tell me to go get something. I'll see you later."he said and left as soon as possible.

"Weird."I mumbled to myself.

I looked at the time and it was ten o'clock. Sigh of

boredom left my mouth and I lay back down. I took my phone and decided to call Zayn.

"Hello?"he answered with loud music in the background.

"You went out without me?"I asked shocked.

"Work purposes."he answered.

"When will you be back?"I asked him.

"Maybe half an hour. Liam called me to pick him, Niall and Harry from the bar. Did you need something?" he asked.

"I was just bored and wanted to see what you were up to. I guess I'll see you later or something."I said.

"I'll be home soon and we can watch a movie or something."he said.

"Awe Zayn are you asking me out on a date?"I said and chuckled.

"Of course my love. I'll see you soon be ready for me."he said and hang up.

I went down stairs to get some snack for later when I saw that my parents were in the kitchen along with Zayn's, Niall's, Liam's and Harry's parents. To me it looked like they were arguing.

"We can't force them to do that if they don't want to. You know how both of them are."my mum sad.

"Jay, darling, I know we can't force them to do it but we already arranged it. It has to be like that."my dad said.

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