Chapter 11

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"So what do you want to do today?"Louis asked as we watched the TV in the living room.

"Go to the park."Amelia shouted excited and I chuckled at her.

She is so much like Louis. They are both overly excited and happy all the time while Emily just got his sass.

"Park is it then."Louis said and sat down next to me.

"I have an idea."I said and they all looked at me.

"Why don't you go to the park while I cook lunch and I bring it to the park when it's over?"I asked them.

"That is actually grate idea."Louis said.

"How about pizza?"Emily asked shyly.

"Of course I can do that."I said and she smiled at me brightly.

"Go get ready."Louis said to them and in a second they were both gone.

"I'm going to go start cooking."I said and packed Louis' lips before I went to the kitchen.

I put some music on and started cooking. Ten minutes into the cooking I felt two hands wrap themselves around my waist and kisses were left on my neck.

"We're going now. See you later."Louis said as he turned me to face him and kissed me before he left.

I was left alone and everything I could think about was how happy I was right now. Just me, the man I love and two beautiful kids. I was so happy that I was finally leaving my life behind and everything worked out perfectly. I was packing the pizza when I heard the door opening.

"Louis?"I said confused but no answer.

I become very suspicious about the situation and opened one of the drawer and took out a pistol. I loaded it and started walking slowly around the house but saw nothing. I made my way back to the kitchen and I was meet with two men dressed in black whit guns standing there. I pointed my gun at them and was ready to shoot them when I felt sharp pain in my head and everything went black.


I woke up by someone slapping my face more then one time, hard. I opened my eyes and groaned. I looked around myself and saw that I was tied to a chair in my living room with three man sitting in front of me.

"Good morning mister Styles. Glad you decide to come back to us."one of them said with Russian accent.

"Who are you and what do you want?"I asked and tugged on the rope I was tied with.

"We just heard that you and mister Tomlinson decided to leave our world just like that. And we heard that you did it because of some kids. So we figured it will be easy to kill you now ans waken your families."he said with a disgusting smirk.

"Who told you that lie?"I chuckled.

"I must admit mister Styles."he said as he got up from the chair and started looking around the house.

"I'm impressed by how hard it was to find you. Many people tried to find you but they couldn't so they just gave up. But I didn't and look at me now."he said darkly.

"What do you want from us?"I asked.

"To kill you as I said earlier."he said.

"You won't get away with this Vladimir."I said.

Vladimir froze for a second and was shocked by me knowing his name but then he just shook his head and chuckled darkly.

"I already did mister Styles. I already did."Vladimir chuckled.

"Get out of my house."I heard Louis' voice ring trough the living room.

"Just in time mister Tomlinson."Vladimir chuckled and everything went downhill.

Only think I heard was shooting and screaming. I closed my eyes and waited. This is it. It's over. I'm going to die just like I know I would. I can't believe this. I almost had my perfect life. I opened my eyes and saw blood on my stomach. I took a better look and saw a bullet wound there and in my shoulder.

"We almost had our happily ever after."I said before everything went black.

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