Chapter 5

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"I'm heading out."I shouted.

"Be back soon you have work that has to be done."dad said.

"I'll be back in few hours don't worry."I said and took my car keys.

I said goodbye to everyone and made my way to my car. I started the car and almost two hours later I was at my destination. I parked the car in front all the familiar house and smiled to myself. I took the bag I brought and made my way to the front door and opened it. As soon as I entered I heard the sound of running feet and giggling.

"Come out, come out wherever you are. You know you

can't hide from me."I said as I started snicking around the house.

As I come to the kitchen I saw Dolores making lunch and she smiled at me.

"Closet in the hallway."she whispered and I smiled.

"Thanks."I said and made my way to the hallway.

I come in front of the closet and heard giggling from inside. I smiled to myself and opened the door.

"Got yo-"I said but stopped when I realized that the closet was empty.

I heard the gun clicking behind me and I froze in place.

"Got you now."I heard her voice say before the bang.

I fall to the floor and let out a groan.

"AAAA you shoot me. Goodbye world."I said making the two girls giggle.

"Daddy."they shouted as they jumped on top of me.

"Hi babies."I smiled and kissed their cheeks.

"What did you bring us?"my five years old daughter Amelia asked excited.

"Is it real guns?"my ten years old daughter Emily asked excited.

"I told you no real guns until you're older."I said as I hugged them and got up making them giggle.

"Did you bring dolls?"Amelia asked excited.

"Of course I did."I said smiling and put them down on the kitchen counter.

"Here you go my darlings."I said and give them each a doll to play with.

"Thank you daddy."they said as the hugged me and run to the living room to play.

"Tea?"Dolores asked me and I nodded.

"I also brought you a gift."I said smiling.

"You know I don't like gifts Louis."she said with a sigh as she give me the tea.

"Thanks."I said.

"I know you don't like gifts so I don't buy them often but yo deserve them because you're taking care of my children while I'm away."I said and took the box from my bag.

I gave it to Dolores who just rolled her ayes as her way of thanking me. I smiled as she opened the box,excited for her reaction.When she finally opened the box she almost dropped it and I smirked at her gasp.

"The tea sat I was missing."she said shocked.

"You're welcome."I said with a smirk before I went to play with my girls.


"Bye daddy we're going to miss you."Amelia said as she hugged me.

"I'm going to miss you too baby."I said and kisse dthe top of her head.

"Don't miss us too much."Emily said as we hugged.

"You know I will."I said smiling.

"I hope to see you soon Louis."Dolores said as I hugged her.

"You will."I said.

"Be good girls for Dolores and don't give her any trouble. I love you guys a lot."I said as we did a group hug.

"Bye daddy we love you."Emily and Amelia shouted as I went to my car which hurt a little to be honest.

I started the ride and started the work. After almost five

hours of work I was exhausted and it was almost

midnight. When I finally made my way home I saw that all the light were switched off which means everybody is asleep. I parked the car and made my way inside the house and to my room. As I was making my way to my room I saw tall figure on the floor. I took my gun and pointed it at the figure. I made my way to the figure just to realize it was Harry and I smelled alcohol. I sighed deeply and put my gun back in my pocked. I squat down and picked Harry up.

"Fuck off Niall I don't need your help. You betrayed me. You all did."Harry mumbled tiredly and tried to push me away from him.

"Harry is Louis."I said as I started making my way to my room.

"Lewiss."he said excited and wrapped himself around me.

"Go to sleep you koala bear."I chuckled.

"Where were you all day?"he asked against my neck sending shivers down my spine.

"Was working."I said as I put him down on my bed.

"Did you know we're going to get married?"he asked as I started taking his clothes of and I sighed sadly.

"We're not getting married."I said sadly.

"But we are. Everyone knew about it expect us. It's arranged marriage between our families."Harry mumbled and I froze.

"What?"I asked shocked but he just turned away from me.

"Harry what did you just say about arranged marriage between me and you?"I asked shocked.

"Shhhh. I'm sleeping Lewis."Harry giggled.

I just sighed angry and frustrated at the same time.

"Good night Louis."Harry mumbled softly.

"Night darling."I said and kissed his cheek.

I waited until he fall asleep before I went to talk to my dad about this. I made my way to his office and was even more pissed off when I saw Niall, Liam and Zayn there. When they heard the door opening they all turned around and were surprised to see me standing there.

"Did you really fell that low to arrange me to marry someone?"I asked trying to stay calm and they all looked at me shocked.

"What are you talking about?"my dad asked, acting dumb.

"Oh pleas don't act stupid."I said angrily.

"I know you arranged me to marry Harry and that everyone expect me knew about this."I shouted.

"Louis calm down."Zayn said and got up to comfort me.

"Get away from me you bastard."I said and pushed him away from me.

As I pushed him away I saw hurt flash trough his eyes and I felt guilty until I realized what he did.

"We said no secrets between us Zayn"I said sadly, fighting back tears.

"We promised to tell each other everything."I said.

"I made him not tell anyone Louis. I made everyone stay silent."my dad said.

"I don't care what you said."I shouted.

"He is my best friend and I expected him to be the one to trust in this shit life but I guess I was wrong."I said.

"You can't even trust your own family in this world."I

said and hurt flashed trough my dad's eyes.

Everyone stud silent and hurt for a while until I shook my head and left the office. I made my way to my room and packed all my things before I left the house.

Happily ever afterΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα