Chapter 18

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I was on the balcony when I heard someone enter the room and I immediately knew that it was Louis. He made his way to me and hugged me from behind.

"I need to go in few minutes."Louis whispered and I hummed.

"I got this for you."I said and turned to face him.

He looked at what I had and he smiled when he saw that it was my holster belt. I never shares my holster belt so he know it means a lot that I gave it to him. He put it on and put his guns inside from his pocket.

"And this."I said and give me my favorite dagger.

"Harry you're acting like I won't return."Louis said and stroked my cheek.

"You never know."I mumbled.

"I promise you I'll return and we'll have our happily ever after."he said and kissed me.

"I love you Louis. Pleas return safe."I said said.

"I love you and that's why I'll return for you."he said and I nodded.

I wrapped my hands around his neck and kissed him. Louis wrapped his hands around my waist and pushed me against the balcony railings. I opened my mouth and he slide his tongue in my mouth making this more heated.

"I really need to go now."Louis said in between kisses.

"I know."I said still kissing him.

"I love you and I promise to return safely."Louis said.

"I love you."I said and kissed him one last time before he left.

I turned to look over the balcony again and few minutes later Louis was entering his car and leaving.

"Pleas return to me."I whispered.

I was on the balcony for few more minutes before I made my way to the security room where Liam and Niall were with other people. I looked at the monitors and saw our snipers on the roof and mafia bosses entering the building with their kids.

"You oke Harry?"Niall asked as I out earpiece in my ear.

"I'm worried about him Niall."I sighed.

"He'll be oke Harry. He know what he is doing."Liam assured me.

We just sat there for half an hour before we were sure that everyone come. I saw Louis hugging Zayn before he put his earpiece in and going inside the building. I watched as Louis made his way inside the meeting room and saw that everyone was arguing and pointing weapons at each other.

"Hello everyone."Louis shouted over everyone.

They all went silent and looked at him shocked. When they saw him they all froze.

"You all look like you see a dead person."Louis joked and I smiled because of how calm he was right now.

"But you died. I killed you and watched your funeral."Vladimir said shocked.

"Better luck next time."Louis said coldly.

"Now everyone sit down so we can start this meeting."he said and they did as told which surprised everyone.

Louis took his holster belt and throw it in the middle of the table along with the dagger I give him, making everyone start shouting at him in the earpiece.

"Louis what are you doing this wasn't the plan."I said, scared of what will happen next.

I looked as Louis took his pistol and emptied it before throwing it in the middle of the table along with the ear peace before all the screes went black.

"No no no what is happening? Why did he do that."I panicked with tears in my eyes.

"We can't get in the cameras. One of our people is blocking us."one man said.

"No no no. This isn't real. This isn't happening."I said and felt panic attack and rage wave coming.

"Harry breath. Just breath. He is going to be oke. Zayn is there with his father and six snipers on everyone. It's going to be fine."Niall said and grabbed my hands as I continue shake my head.

"What is happening? Why are all the screens black?"Lottie asked with tears in her eyes.

"I-I need to go."I said as the rest of the house come to the security room.

I rushed to my room and locked myself inside. I walked around the room panicking before the rage took over and I trashed my whole room. When the room was trashed and I was calm again, I was so tired I blacked out.


I woke up on the floor of my trashed room and was confused at why I was on the floor. I got up and as soon as I saw my belt holster was missing I remembered everything that happened.

"Louis."I said shocked and worried.

I rushed to the security room and I bumped into people put I didn't care about them. Right now Louis was on the first place and I needed to know if he is oke. I tried to get in the security room but it was locked.

"No no no. Pleas open the door."I said but no one opened the door.

"I-I need to find Niall and Liam."I told myself.

I looked around the house and found everyone in the living room, except Louis and his dad.

"No no no."I said and they all turned to me.

"Zayn pleas tell me where he is. Tell me he is oke."I said with tears in my eyes, thinking of the worst already.

"Everyone left the building expect Louis and Mark."Zayn said.

"We went to look for them but they weren't inside. There was no trace of fighting or kidnapping."he said.

"Did you try to track them down? Did you try to look for them?"I asked with tears running down my cheeks.

"Harry we tried everything but couldn't find them."my mum said softly and I fell on my knees.

This can't be truth. He is oke. He needs to be oke. We were suppose to have our happily ever after, after this meeting.

"Mum tell me he is oke. He needs to be oke."I sobbed into my mothers shoulder.

"I'm sure they are oke Harry."she assured me.

"B-But he didn't follow the plan he had. He was unarmed in room full of mafia leaders."I sobbed.

She just hugged me tightly while I cried in her arms like a baby. I calmed down after a while and I was even more exhausted now then before. I got up and wiped my face with my hands. I was about to announce that I'm going to my room when I heard a car outside. I rushed to the garage and saw Louis' car pulling up in the garage. When it turned off I saw Louis and his dad coming out unharmed which made my cry even more. I run to Louis who smiled and opened his arms for me but I slapped him.

"You idiot."I shouted and cried while I started hitting his chest.

"Y-You didn't follow the plan a-and cameras were off. I was so scared and I thought I lost you. I had a panic attack and rage outburst because of you."I sobbed harder then before.

"I'm so sorry babe. I just got carried away and forgot that you guys couldn't see me and I forgot to call you."he said softly.

"I thought I lost you."I sobbed and hugged him tightly, scared he will disappear if I let go of him.

"I'm so sorry because I got you scared like that but I needed to make them trust me."he whispered in my ear and I froze.

I totally forgot why he was there with all of them in the first place. He pulled away from the hug and wiped my tears away before he kissed me softly.

"Everything went better then expected Harry."Louis said softly.

"They all agreed to it. We're free. We're going to have our happily ever after."he said and I started crying happy tears this time.

"We're going to have our happily ever after Harry."Louis whispered as he kissed me again, making this feel even more real.

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