Chapter 12

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Beeping. Beeping was the only thing I heard in my ears. I felt pain everywhere in my body. I groaned and opened my eyes. When I opened my eyes I saw that I was in a hospital room. I was so confused. I remember the shooting and bullet wounds. I lifted my shirt and sat the wounds exactly where I remember Vladimir shoot me. Oh my god no. Louis. Emily. Amelia. Where are they? Are they oke? Are they in hospital also? I need to find them.

"Harry, oh my god. You're finally awake."I heard Niall's voice and soon he was hugging me.

"Louis? Where is Louis and the girls? Are they oke? Did they also get shot?"I asked shocked.

"Harry."Liam said softly and it was only then that him and Zayn were also there.

"What girls Harry?"Niall asked confused.

"His daughter Niall. Emily and Amelia. Are the three of them oke?"I asked.

"Harry what are you talking about? Louis never had daughter."he said.

"You're joking. He has two daughters. They looked exactly like him. Emily was ten and Amelia was five. Their mother was his ex Alex who died two years ago."I said and they looked at me confused.

"Harry you dreamed that."Liam said.

"No I didn't."I shook my head.

"We went to Romania to get away from mafia. Louis told me he liked me and I told me I liked him too. We were together for six months. And then one day Vladimir came to Romania and started the shooting. Pleas tell me if they are oke."I said worried and sat up.

They just looked at each other sadly before they sat down next to me on the bed.

"Harry you were in a coma for almost two months."Niall said and my eyes went wide.

"You and Louis had a job to do in France and you got in a fight like you always do. Then there were some enemies and started the shooting."he said and I shook my head.

"That's not what happened. Just pleas tell me where Louis and the girls are."I said.

"Harry Louis didn't make it trough the surgery and there aren't his daughters. They don't exist. You were just dreaming while in coma."Zayn said and I felt tears leave my eyes.

"Get ou."I said angry now.

"Harry we-"Niall started but I cut him off.

"Get the fuck out of the room."I shouted.

They just sighed and left the room. As soon as they left the room I took my phone and started looking trough it.

"No."I gasped.

It can't be. There weren't any pictures of me and Louis or Emily and Amelia. There weren't any nice messages between me and Louis. The last thing I sent him was two months ago about the job in France. I dropped my phone and started crying. I knew I would never have my happily ever after with anyone.

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