Chapter 8

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I looked down at the little girl on top of me then to the right side of the bed. It felt so right. Amelia sleeping on top of me with Emily sleeping between me and Harry in our bed. I just smiled like a fool and I know I couldn't be happier but then sadness took over me. Today me and Harry are going back to the mansion. Today is the day I'm telling my parents everything. I'm so worried about everything that I'm feeling sick to my stomach and I might throw up. I know as soon as I tell my dad about the girls and me leaving everything behind I will become a target of all our enemies but I know I have to do this for my girls and Harry.

"What are you thinking so hard about?"Harry asked tiredly, pulling me away from my thoughts.

"I'm just nervous about today. I know as soon as I tell my parents about Emily and Amelia somehow everyone in the underground will know and I don't want them to get hurt."I said worried.

"Louis you worry to much."Harry said and smiled at me.

"You know your dad will do everything to protect the girls."he said and I nodded.

"I know."I said.

"Let's go to the kitchen so we don't wake them up."I said and Harry hummed.

Harry got up from bad carefully and helped me put Amelia down so I don't wake her up before we made our way the kitchen. I sad down on the counter and Harry started making breakfast.

"'t talk about the marriage thing."I said

nervously and saw Harry froze for a second before he turned around to face me.

"I-um, I really like you Louis but I don't think that marriage is the right thing. What if we realize that we don't want to spend the rest of our lives each other?"he asked.

To be honest it hurts a little bit. It hurts me to heard that from someone I love but I understand. I just nodded and took his hand in mine.

"No marriage now. But do you want to marry me one day in the future?"I asked him.

"Yes."he said and kissed me softly.

"I would love to marry you one day when we're away from this life."he said and kissed me again.

After we made out for a little while we eat breakfast and get ready for the ride back to the mansion. As we got ready there were three knocks on the door. I went to open them and smiled at Dolores.

"Morning love."she said and hugged me.

"Morning Dolores."I said and closed the door behind her.

"Did you enjoy your vacation?"I asked her.

"I really did. My grandchildren were so happy in Italy. Thank you for that Louis."she said.

"You're welcome. I can do it anytime for you."I said and she rolled her eyes at me.

I love to spoil her and her family because she helps me with my kids but she hates the gifts I give them.

"Oh and who is this young man? I thought only Zayn knows."Dolores said when she saw Harry in the kitchen putting the dishes away.

"This is my boyfriend Harry."I said smiling.

"Nice to meet you Harry. I'm Dolores,I babysit the kids while Louis isn't around."she shook hand with Harry.

"Nice to meet you Dolores."Harry said flashing her a smile.

"We really need to go now."I said to Dolores.

"The girls are in my room sleeping and we made breakfast for them sou you don't have to."I said and she nodded.

"I hope to see you and Harry soon again."she shouted as we left.

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