Chapter 14

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"But it felt so real Niall. It felt like we really were together and sharing all those little moments."Harry said sadly and my heart broke.

I know I'm crazy for just leaving him and making him believe that nothing we had was real but I need to do somethings before I return to him and we finally have our happily ever after. And I fucked up even more when I went to sleep with him at the club the other night. It was the best sex ever but at the same time guilt was eating me because of that.

"I know Harry but you were imagining it all because you didn't admit your feeling for him."Niall said and Harry nodded.

"I just want to see him again and tell him how I really feel and apologize for being an asshole to him. I was hundred percent sure that it was him in the club."Harry said and I couldn't listen anymore.

It was braking my heart how sad he was because of me and I needed to leave. I made my way to my car and went to my grave. I sat down and looked at my picture and tombstone.

Louis William Tomlinson

24. December 1991.-17. July 2017.

I just sighed sadly and called Zayn.

"Hello?"he answered after the third ring.

"Z."I said sadly.

"Are you oke? What's wrong?"he asked worried.

"I'm fine I just miss Harry and I hate how sad he is because he thinks it was all just a dream."I said fighting back tears.

"Louis I know you feel bad about this but just think why are you doing this."Zayn said.

"You're doing all of this so you and Harry can live safe and happy with Amelia and Emily. You're doing this for your and Harry's happily ever after."he said and I wiped my tears away.

"You're right. He will understand why I did that."I said with a smile on my face.

"He will understand."Zayn assured me.

"Thanks Z. I really needed this."I said.

"Anytime."he said.

We said our goodbyes and I stayed at the cemetery for few more minutes and when I was about to leave someone came and put the flowers on my grave. I looked at the person and it was Harry.

"How did you know him?"he asked me without looking at me.

"He was a friend from high school."I lied.

"How did you know him?"I asked.

"We were in mafia together. I was the last person he was seen with apparently."Harry said making shocked.

Did he really say all that to a stranger on the cemetery?

"You usually tell people you don't know that work for mafia?"I asked.

"I don't care anymore. I don't have a reason to stay here anymore."he said and my heart ached because of his words.

"Why do you say that?"I asked.

"Because the man I love died because of me."he said and I froze.

He loves me. Harry Styles, the man I love for so long is saying that he loves me. I smiled to myself and looked at Harry who was still looking at my grave with tears in his eyes which broke my heart even more.

"I'm sure he loved you too but just didn't have time to tell you that."I said and left in a rush.

I wanted to satay and talk to him so badly but I know I would tell him everything right here in a heartbeat.

"Soon we'll be together again love. I promise you we will have our happily ever after."I said as I stayed in my car until Harry left the cemetery.

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