Chapter Two (part one)

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I was awoken from my slumber by the horrible noise of steel pots hitting each other. I groaned pulling my pillow over my head and clutching it over my ears.

This was how I was woken up every morning. The pillow was ripped out of my grip along with my comforter.

" Wake up son. This is a nice morning to do some jogging around town. Get your lazy ass off of the bed. Now," he ordered.

I rose from the bed annoyance etched on my face. " Really, Dad? Couldn't you just allow me one day of laziness?"

" Laziness will not save you in the Azurak tournament. You should be thanking me for thinking of your well being. I need you sharp,fit and strong for the tournament," he said walking to the door.

" But you told me that the tournament might not be this year," I muttered sleepily.

" Your great grandfather was going to turn hundred exactly tomorrow. I have reason to believe that this will be the year of the tournament. I need you ready. " He explained.

I nodded then wore my jogging gear. As we made our way to the street and warmed up for jogging, I couldn't help thinking that my life sucked pretty bad. I stared at my room longingly then glared at my Dad. I loved the man but he could be an ass most times.

I was never going to live a normal life. Not when dad was there to remind me of my destiny. But it made sense for him to drive me in training. The Azurak tournament could mean life or death for me. There was no escaping it.

We jogged all throughout the town. I started training like this since I was thirteen. When normal boys fought to control their new bodily changes, I tackled both the changes and strange urges. I remember when I had just turned thirteen. I was just about to sleep when I suddenly sprung from my bed.

I started trashing my room and attacking everything in sight. My parents were awakened by the noise that resonated from my room throughout the house only to find me amidst my room heaving,  beads of sweat trailing down my small body.

The expressions I had seen on their faces were not of astonishment but rather, worry. My dad began training me the following day and from that day onward. Now fighting was a part of me. A part I couldn't ignore no matter how much I tried.

If I did not fight I had erratic episodes where I would start attacking everything in sight. That was the downfall to these incredible abilities. We couldn't help who we were. And we couldn't ignore who we were.

By the time we arrived back home it was nine am. I took a quick shower, wore some loose fitting clothes then went downstairs to eat breakfast.

I went in the kitchen. My mom was dishing out breakfast while dad sat on a stool at the breakfast bar reading a newspaper. " Morning," I greeted.

" Hey,honey. So how is school so far?" she asked sitting beside dad. I stood against the fridge poking at my cereal. I was not really in the mood for eating the traditional breakfast.

" Boring. There's nothing really exciting happening at school, " I said casually. " I doesn't even matter if I go to school anymore. I'm going to be fighting for my life in the Azurak tournament. Everything I learn at school will not aid me in any way. I might as well sit at home and wait for the Azurians to come for me."

Dad folded his newspaper slightly on the right and stared at me amusement twinkling in his grey eyes.

" Oh, honey. You have to be strong. You will get through this," she said. I knew that she was only saying that to try and make me feel better and it was not working. I shrugged having nothing to say to her.

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