Chapter Eight ( part two)

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I knew there was something wrong with my body the moment I woke up. My body was glistening with sweat and I felt unimaginable heat coursing through my veins. I had no doubt that if I looked at my reflection in the mirror I'd see the correon who was in the Heranyth stage.

It happened every month. The Heranyth stage was more like being in heat. It was like being drugged with what humans call an aphrodisiac. You couldn't help but long to relieve the intense longing to mate.

Being on this planet was both exhilarating and frustrating. It made wish to go back home so that this stage could be dealt with. Someone knocked on the door and I panicked.

I didn't know what I'd do if it was Talon by the door. I didn't wish to see him in this state or I'd be forced to do something I'd regret to him.

I sniffed the air and detected Drake's scent. " You can come in, Drake, " I said softly.

The door opened and Drake got in. He frowned when he saw me still in bed. If it had been any other day I'd be out of the house right now.

" What's wrong?" he asked staring worriedly at me. " I am undergoing the Heranyth stage. I can't be near Talon when I'm like this. Please don't let him come in this room," I said pleadingly. Understanding dawned to him.

" How far are you in the stage?"

" It just started now." I could tell that my answer had troubled him. He had every reason to be wary of me. The silence that followed after what I said was suffocating and his presence made me uneasy.

I broke the silence. " I have a confession to make. I have taken a liking to your son, Drake. I-, " he cut me off when he raised his hand looking away from me.

" He isn't your type, Orin Naori. He will reject you," he muttered briskly. I nodded with a frown etched on my face. I knew that he'd reject me but I couldn't help but hope he felt the same way. Humans didn't necessarily take my kind with ease. While they were repulsed by the idea of same sex relationships ,  my kind didn't care for that. I knew what was at stake if I continued to feel the way I did and it was worth the risk.

When Emperor Eocatheus cancelled the Azurak tournament I felt like jumping for joy. It meant I had a chance with Talon. For once things were going my way. I spent each and every day with a lad I liked and I was fairly content.

" Orin, you can't fall for him. He's the only child I have," he said in a pained voice.

" Would you deny him the chance at love, Drake. You forget that he's not a young lad. He can make his own decisions. "

He flashed me a murderous look but I was not intimidated in the slightest. He cursed under his breath and rubbed the bridge of his nose.

" You seem so sure that he wouldn't reject you, " he observed " Why is that? "

I looked away from him. I could just picture Talon working out. He was truly a sight to behold.

" I really don't know. Maybe it is because I'm blinded by love. Can you really blame a correon for falling for your son? He is an amazing warrior with a kind heart. I believe that he wouldn't hurt me."

" If you are going to ' court' him you better do it now. He found that damned succubae of a princess. I contacted her father and the Azurians will come to escort her back to Azur planet in a few days time, " said Drake walking out of the room. Before I could say anything he was already out of the room closing the door.

I groaned in annoyance. What the hell was she doing here? I always knew she was an attention seeker. Why else would she go to so much trouble to get people blabbing on and on about her.

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