Chapter Three (part one)

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We arrived at a secluded park. The moon was effulgent against the dark sky and the stars twinkled blissfully all over the night sky. My dad got out of the car and came to my side. He opened the door and helped me out of the car.

He half carried me and dragged me across the manicured lawn to a bench. I groaned when he placed me on the bench. Along the park was a vast plantation of tall dark trees.

" They are here. I can feel them through my mark," he said staring intently at the trees. I hissed as another wave of pain seared my stomach. My temperature skyrocketed and my heart beat erratically against my chest.

Just when I thought it couldn't get worse, my sight went blurry. Tears rolled down my face then all of a sudden the pain and nauseous feeling dissipated.

I heard the the snap of twigs and the rustling of leaves. A booming voice resonated through the voice. It was unfamiliar and strange. The accent that accompanied the voice was alien.
" Ah, Drake. You have come with the young warrior. I didn't really think you'd cooperate. It's unbecoming of you," remarked the stranger. When my vision cleared I looked to the direction of the voice. Three blue bulky men clad in leather stood proudly before my dad and I.

" I couldn't very well refuse you and risk the fall of my planet," seethed Dad. The alien who stood amidst the two wore a sickening smirk.

" I wouldn't put it past you, Drake," he said then directed his penetrating gaze on me. " So this is Talon? The Emperor will be pleased by him. I must say I'm glad that you chose the easy way to go. It had been much unpleasant in other planets," the alien flashed us a smug smile.

" Cut the crap, Lirel," spat dad. The alien chuckled along with his buddies. " Dad, how the hell do you know this alien? " I whisper yelled at him.

He didn't answer my question. The alien guy strode to me then hauled me over his right shoulder. Then they went back in the forest with dad hot on their tails. I closed my eyes and prayed that they were not here to kill us.

There was a huge orb deeper in the forest. There was nothing alien about it other than the fact that it was hovering above the ground. It was unlike any other spaceship I've ever seen. I blame that on the sci-fi films I've seen.

As we got closer to the orb a door seemingly out of nowhere slid to the side and disc shaped floating steps appeared before the door. My dad held my hand to calm me down. The old man knew me too well. I might've looked indifferent outside but inside I was screaming to be freed from the hold of the alien.

Although the orb was smaller outside the inside was huge. It was astounding. The alien layed me on a strangely shaped recliner and buckled me up. Dad sat on the seat beside the recliner and he buckled his belts. Lirel and his buddies were seated on the chairs at the controls.

" Dad, you didn't answer my question." He shook his head trying to fight the smile that stretched across his face.

" He has been observing you from time to time. That ball of meat is really getting on my last nerve with his smart remarks. I swear I'm going to let him have it one of these days."

" I'd like to see you try,human," bellowed Lirel. I can honestly see why my Dad would hate him. I hated him too. He was taking me away from my planet. Away from all that I know and all that I hold close to my heart. My mom, Jason and my home.

" Sleep, my son. I'm not going to leave you, " said dad softly. I let his words wash over me lulling me in a deep sleep. That was exactly what I needed. I was exhausted. I just hoped that I would arrive in Azur in one piece. And I hoped my dad would refrain from lunging at the Azurian and tearing him apart.

* * *

I woke with a major headache that pulsed across my forehead. I sat up and brushed the back of my hands over my eyes. I then stretched out my arms with a yawn.

Everything that happened to me from the party to the park suddenly came forth in my mind. I looked at my surroundings. My eyes widened at the sight. I was in a bedroom and everything about it was not familiar to me. The bed I was lying on was covered with deep brown covers atop a burlywood coloured platform.

The headboard was tall and black. It had a circular mirror amidst it that had white silver circles carved around it. Circular crystal drapes fell from the ceiling on either side of the headboard elegantly. My gaze shifted to the walls with intricate patterns, the gold ceiling and the black wardrobe . This was a room fit for a rich bachelor not someone like me.

I brought my hands to my face. The sound of a door sliding open caught my attention. My eyes fell on the person at the door. It was my Dad but he was not alone. A hulky blue dude stood behind him. I had always thought my dad was the tallest man I've ever seen but he was quite short compared to the alien.

I was just glad that he was not Lirel. They strode in my room with evident determination marred on their faces. That was enough to scare the hell out of me.

My dad sat beside me and brought me in his arms rubbing my back. " You are okay, son. Don't freak out, " he murmured against my hair. He pulled back and gestured to the alien. " This is Kailas and he'll be your guardian throughout the tournament. "

I really didn't know what to say to the alien. Being in his presence was making me nervous. I couldn't very well say " Hey, alien dude, how ya doin?". That would just make it awkward. He nodded to me and I did the same. Nothing could've prepared me for this.

" How long have I been sleeping?" I ran my hand through my bed hair. " A month," replied Dad. My eyes bulged at his answer.

" Go take a shower. Your training hasn't come to a halt, young man. And later on all warriors are to go to the dome to meet the Emperor. " I did as I was told.

I paid no attention to the luxury that surrounded me. All that kept running through my mind was the tournament. " Stay focused and stay alive " that was what always taught me to do when the moment came for to fight.

When your life was on the line luxury would be the last thing on your mind. I stepped in the room and found Dad gone. Kailas stood before the door like a stature.

Black pants and a see-through muscle shirt were layed on the bed. I went to the wardrobe and pulled the first drawer at the bottom and found underwear. The sight of the strange underwear had my cheeks flaming. God, if only Jason was here to see them. Futuristic versions of boy shorts. Something that belonged to a gay twink in a bdsm club.

I held one up and wrinkled my nose at it. " Oh, God, I cannot wear these things." I stared at my ' so-called ' guardian with a horrified expression. " Isn't there something else I can wear? Something that is comfortable and would not emasculate me. "

" Don't you wear underwear at your planet?" the confusion that masked his face was as clear as day. " We do but this is nothing like what we consider underwear at home. This is an abomination made to destroy a man's confidence. " He chortled at my words.

" I'm angry that you'd find this amusing. So much for being my guardian. You are supposed to console me. " I chided scowling at him. Okay, I was being melodramatic. They were not really bad looking but that didn't mean they were not repulsive.

" If you must know, they are very comfortable. And Azurian women find them appealing. " He smirked at me.

" Then the Azurian women are sick perverted hags, " I shoot at him angry and flustered. I took a black Leathery one, closed my eyes and wore it under the silky towel. He was right. I was afraid that it would suffocate me but it is light. God forbid any human seeing me wearing it.



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