Chapter Eleven (part two)

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The moment we landed on planet Villoci I was lost for words. I'm pretty sure Jason and I were gaping like fish at how unique and amazing the place we landed was. The trees were shaped like gigantic mushrooms. They were neon green in the absence of Etian. Etian was the sun in this solar system.

The houses were a florescent white and the glowed along with the trees. Purple prickly fruits hung from the maroon acasin trees. We were in Braemoth, the village near Urik. Urik was the kingdom ruled by Emperor Rà Aden.

We were currently sitting on smooth moss covered rocks under the canopy of the mushroom trees. Izullar took out a shell like chest from her circular bag. When she opened the chest bright light flared out. A gleaming egg like artifact was snuggly fit into a soft overall opening within the chest.

She gently took the object out. The object wobbled and melted in her hand. The gleaming liquid gently rolled out off her hand and snaked it's on the mossy earth. It formed strange patterns that pointed in North.

" The kingdom we wish to go to is in that direction," stated Raed. Izullar jumped up the head of the tree and stared off into the horizon. When she was satisfied with her findings she leaped to the ground.

" The kingdom is not far but we should rest before we go. It's already late and dangerous creatures roam through this particular part of the Forest." She plopped on the ground and stared at us expectedly.

" Which is why we should get going, " said Jason briskly. " The last thing I want is being on some creature's menu."

It was just like Jason to say that. I had never known someone to have the ability to make me want to crack up at a very serious situation like he did. The guy had talent and he was not ashamed to use it.

" You just go and get eaten by some wild beast. It would be quite peaceful without you blurting everything that comes to your mind, " she gritted out.

" I bet you would like that, wouldn't you, princess?" He was mocking her. I didn't know if I should laugh or worry about him. If this bickering got to a point of fighting he would lose and miserably so. " Sorry love but no beast is going to have a bite of this delectably enticing fine specimen. " He gestured to his body with a smirk.

I couldn't help it. I laughed so hard my stomach hurt. I clutched my stomach trying to sober up when Izullar throw me displeased look. Even Raed cracked up a little at that.

" Havens, you are so immature!" she groaned throwing her head back exasperated. " How can you come from the same planet as Talon?"

" Stop it, both of you. We have to set camp here and it's getting dark. Your bickering, although entertaining, it won't protect us from the predators." I was glad Raed said that.

" Raed is right, " I nodded, getting on my feet.

They followed suit and we set camp. After an hour we had two conical tents set a shield protecting our camp. The mushroom trees provided us with enough light. Raed went to look for food along with his lover.

I shared a tent with Jason. And if I had a gun I'd shoot myself so as to escape his endless questions. When the Azurians came back I all but rushed out of the tent. For the first time in my life I was grateful for their company.

We ate and went to our tents right away. Jason was the first to doze off while I simply stared at the ceiling thinking of all the possible bad things that could happen to us on this planet.

Did Orin even think of me? Somehow I doubted he did. I mean he was betrothed to some noble and he was next in line to the throne. I didn't stand a chance. I honestly shouldn't have come here.

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