Chapter Three (part two)

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The dome - meeting the warriors

I sat on the throne beside Father. The dome was filled with the nobles of our kingdom. The drummers started beating their drums. A man stood at the centre of the dome. He raised the horn and blow into it resulting in a booming sound that bounced over the walls of the dome.

When the drummers halted their drumming he also stopped blowing into the horn. He took a bow. Father stood from his throne and addressed his people.

" Welcome my friends. It brings me great pleasure to announce that the Azurak tournament is going to take place. All the warriors who are to fight for my daughter's hand in marriage have arrived and I would like to give all them a warm welcome. Zadara, let them in!" he ordered.

The guard called Zadara opened the black huge double doors. The warriors were ushered in the dome. The all walked in a rows of lines and stood at the centre in an orderly fashion.

As much as I didn't want to spare them a glance I couldn't help the temptation to look at them. And so I did.

They were all build and fierce looking. A great contrast to each other and the Azurians as well. They were all so unique. Some had fins, some had scales and some had fangs and many more things.

Just the meer sight of them had my heart pounding in my chest. It was overwhelming. I stole a glance at Raed only to find him staring at me. I guess he was trying to read my emotions. The emotions that were lost in my eyes. My face was gave away nothing.

I stared back at the warriors then at Father. He was pleased. I could see it in the smile that graced his face and his bright blue eyes. My mother was also pleased. Why wouldn't they? The best warriors from hundreds of planets stood before them willing to fight for me.

" Welcome warriors. Welcome to the great Azur, the planet of warriors. I'm aware that you don't really know what the Azurak tournament is about and as the Emperor I shall enlighten you," he turned and looked at me. He gestured for me to come to him.

I rose from my throne and placed my hand in his. He gently held my hand and brought me forth. The floating tablet we were on lowered the the granite floor.

" The Azurak tournament is not just about being crowned the Azurak warrior. This tournament is the Azurian tradition that has taken place for generations. Warriors are brought to our planet to compete, to fight for the hand of the princess in marriage.

" The goddess you see standing beside me is your price and only one  of you can have her. She's an Azurian princess and rightfully so since she's my daughter. She's your ticket to reviving your planets. She's your ticket to  to love.

" I know that some of you were forcefully taken from your homes to fight and for that I apologize. I am pleased that none of you wish not to compete and I'm sure my beautiful daughter is honored for having such brave warriors willing to fight for her. Welcome to the home of warriors. Let the gods of Azurakia aid you in the coming tournament."

The Azurians cheered and applauded. When the warriors heard the truth behind the tournament I could tell the warriors were astonished. While some were excited some were indifferent. This was the reason I wanted father to call off the tournament.

Now they were going to regard me as nothing more than a prize. A trophy to boost their overly inflated egos. I could feel their hungry gazes burning holes on me yet I ignored them. I was afraid to know what they thought of me.

" This is my daughter, Izullar Eirah Razmar, the remaining pure heir. Do not underestimate her. She's has the blood of a warrior. Do not think her weak. She can hold her own in combat. Warriors, prepare yourselves for the coming tournament. And do enjoy the festivities in your honor."

THE AZURAK WARRIORNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ