Chapter Two (part two)

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I clutched at the railings along the edge of the bed I was lying on. We were in a observatory chamber in the palace. Mother had dragged me here to test if I was still pure. The whole experience hurt like being biten by the glider fish.

I had to watch some lady stick her index finger in me and I don't think anything would be as mortifying as this situation. When mother was told that I was still a virgin her relief was instantaneous. When she smiled at me I wished I could've given Raed my innocence. I just couldn't stand making my parents proud. I was tired of that.

All my life I had deprived myself of the things I wanted all for the sake of pleasing them. Over the years I realized that I was never going to live my life the way I wanted if I continued to be their puppet.

I sat on the bed and took of the observatory gown every patient was required to wear. Mother handed me a glittering bronze cube. Like all the other cubes it melted onto my skin and travelled all over my body. The end result was a sleeveless glittering gown that had multiple straps on the bodice. A silver collar with a orange orb made the necklace adorning my neck.

The dress flared out at the bottom with orange and gold stones. I rose from the bed and stood before mother. She reached out and placed her hand on my chest. For the first time in years her eyes were filled with so many emotions.

" Izullar, I know that you are overwhelmed by the coming tournament but I want you to know that your father and I are proud of you. Do not think for one minute that we don't care about you, " she said, her voice laden with sincerity.

" If you cared about me you wouldn't let the tournament take place. I don't want some beefy strangers fighting for me."

" It's our tradition. A tradition that cannot be changed. I went through the same thing when I was your age. Your father won the tournament. " She sighed sitting on the stool next to the bed.

" You will learn to love the Victor just as your ancestors did." She stared pleadingly at me. She wanted me to concede to this.

" Let's go mother. I have training to do, " I muttered. She got up from the stool.

" Today, I'm going to be training you," she stated. My eyes widened at what she said.

" What could you possibly teach me that my guardian couldn't?"

" All there is to know about pleasuring your victor." She said softly.

" Mother, I don't need lessons on how to please men. I'm really offended that you'd think I know nothing of bedroom interactions . I might be pure but I'm not oblivious to what happens between a man and a woman, " I seethed then marched out of the observatory chamber.

I was walking in the hallway when I bumped into Raed. Our eyes met briefly. We didn't say anything to each other and then we went our separate ways. I went to my room. As always Axa and Korra were awaiting me. I willed my outfit to melt away from my body. Korra handed me a cobalt blue cube.

" I'm going to the theatre, " I said casually watching the cobalt liquid trailing over my body.

" The Emperor seeks your presence at the dome. Most of the warriors have arrived and the Emperor wants you to welcome them," stated Axa.

" I'm aware of that, Axa. Just because the warriors are here it does not mean my life stops. I can still do whatever I want when I want. And right now going to the theatre is the only place I want to see myself at."

I went out of my room. It didn't take long for me to step out of the palace. My silver gleaming hovercar outshined the rows of black hovercars that belonged to the guards. Every hovercar that filled the car chamber paled in comparison to my silver baby.

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