Chapter Four (part two)

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The obstacles course

I sat next to my father's throne under the aqua canopy. Mother sat on a sitting cushion at the feet of the Emperor. It was a sign of submission. A sign that she was not his equal.

I didn't envy their relationship even just a bit. I didn't want to be a slave. I wanted my husband and I wanted us to be equals. This was the one thing my parents couldn't take from me. My strong beliefs in equality.

I refused to controlled in a relationship. I didn't want a dictator but a loving companion. I stared at the arena we were in. The Azurians littered the seats around the area. In the middle of the arena was an obstacle course.

This was the official day of the commencement of the Azurak tournament. All the warriors were going to be thrown in this arena and they had to fight their way  to the finish line . Those who got at the finish line within an hour were to continue in the tournament.

I just wanted all of this to end. The thought of being stuck with someone who I didn't share a trifle amount of affection with for the rest of my life had me shuddering with revulsion. I didn't want that but it seemed like the more I protested against the commencement of this tournament the more Father wanted it to go on.

He didn't care about how I felt about it. I stared at the warriors coming through the entrance of the arena. They were all clad in warrior regalia. It was fascinating yet infuriating at the same time.

My eyes trailed at the warriors. It wasn't until my gaze landed on a human that I became instantly intrigued. He was a lissom lad with a mass of disheveled raven hair. I couldn't see his eyes from where I sat but something told me that they'd be just as exotic as he was. His skin was a dusty gold. He looked unreal under the glow of the eisis moon.

I've never seen a human before. I was a newborn when my sister's Azurak tournament took place. My father stood from his throne to address his people.

The audience halted their buzzing conversations to listen to their Emperor. I tuned out his voice and looked at the obstacle course the warriors were faced with.

Electric beams littered the first stage of the course then came a weapons walkway were the warriors would be shot at with spears. Even with the obstacles in their way they had to fight with their competitors. All in all the obstacle course was not as easy as driving a hovercar.

I really did admire the warriors for not backing up from the tournament but what irked me was the prize that came with competing. I was the prize. Like a lunar pig on a silver plate meant to gratify the bellies of bulky pig headed men.

When the sound of the horn boomed through the arena all the warriors charged for the obstacle course. I observed them closely. They resembled hungry animals charging for a feast. It was barbaric.

My eyes landed on the human. He twisted around the beams so elegantly it was magnificent. His body movements were leath and beautiful. It was like watching a dance in the theatre.

He arrived at the walkway of flying spears. Other warriors who managed to make it to the walkway charged for him. Their fighting skills were impeccable. Despite how bloody it was I wanted to be in that obstacle course with them. I longed to fight like any other warrior.

The thrill of fighting was addictive. I felt suffocated by the silver frock I wore and the throne I was sitting on.

An hour later there were about fifty warriors at the finish line and the human was part of the victors. I was glad for him, honesty. I knew that many extraterrestrial beings took earthlings for granted and here he was, showing that even humans had a drive of becoming victorious. It was kind of a slap to the faces of all who underestimated him and his people.

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