Chapter Ten( part two)

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" You can do better than that Talon," remarked Raed staring blankly at me. I was sprawled on the lawn heaving from training with him. He was a great fighter and I had no doubt that if had entered the tournament he would've stood a greater chance at being victorious.

" No I can't. I'm tired of all this … this fighting. What exactly would fighting do for my future. I'm so far behind in my school work, the Azurak tournament is cancelled and I'm depressed. This is just not my year." I groaned as I sat upright.

" You said you wanted to fight and when you finally get your wish you give up," he gritted out.

I glared at him." Hey I'm only human, dude. No need to be an ass. "

Just as we were glaring at each other Izullar came out to the backyard. She was a real beauty as a human. Her honey blonde hair whipped about from the wind and her electric blue eyes shone bright.

She wore a black Jean that was ripped at the knees, a white military jacket with dark buckle boots.

She could definitely pass off as a cheerleader.

" Talon, I've had enough of your attitude and I bet everyone feels the same way. It has been a month for goodness sake and you still haven't forgotten about him. It's ridiculous!"

I rolled my eyes at her. God, she was worse than mom and that was saying something considering how overbearing mom was. I just wished she'd mind her own business.

I was sick of her telling me what to do. What I did with my life had nothing to do with her.

" So what do you suggest I do,huh?" I quirked a brow questioningly.

" Well, for starters you could go take a shower and eat your dinner. I have a special trip planned just for you," she gushed, her eyes twinkling with mischief.

" Oh God, I hope it doesn't have anything to do with going to a strip club for extraterrestrials." I got up and wiped the sweat on my face with a towel.

" Dream on lover boy, now off you go." She pushed me towards the porch.

" Okay, okay, I'm going," I yelled which earned a chuckle from her.

I stepped in the house and ran up the stairs taking two at a time. Going out sounded better than staying locked up in a house that was filled with memories of him, especially my room.

I took a swift  shower and wore dark jeans, white t-shirt and a blue wool sweater. I threw on my dark military boots. When I was done I went downstairs to the kitchen.

I hurriedly ate my dinner and went out to the backyard. Raed and Izullar were hugging each other and I felt like I was intruding on their special moment. It seemed everyone had a special someone to love them apart from me. Even my player of a friend had a girlfriend.

As pitiful as it sounded I really envied them. My parents had gone out to celebrate their twenty second anniversary for goodness sake and I had just been dumped by my first love. Maybe I wasn't cut out for this whole dating thing. I mean why bother when I knew I would get broken hearted in the end.

I was tired of feeling like a wreck. I guess it was true what people said, losing your first love was the worst feeling ever.

I cleared my throat to get their attention. This was just awkward. They backed away from each other. Izullar gave me a once-over look to my outfit. She nodded with a pleased smile drawn on her face.

" You clean up nice, Knightly, " she said with a smirk.

" Yeh, whatever, " I shrugged. " Where are we going?"

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