Chapter Nine( part one)

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A groaning Orin woke me up from my slumber. I didn't know if I should feel proud for how Orin felt right this moment or hang my head in shame.

I was well aware of what I did with him last night and I didn't regret it in the slightest. I've always seen something in him that appealed to me. It had nothing to do with his gender and I wouldn't change anything about him.

Maybe this was a way of life for some warriors. I've read that in ancient times the Greek warriors had male lovers and that the bond they had enabled them to conquer in battles that seemed quite impossible to conquer.

Maybe my beliefs were that of the Greeks.  It's funny how a taste for the forbidden fruit could get me so lovestruck in just a night but I knew that I had always been attracted to him from the very first day I saw him.

Yes he had a bit of feminine features but at the same time he was a fearsome warrior who never backed down from a challenge. Maybe it was the fact that we were the same that had me drooling over him.

The bed shifted as he got in a sitting position. He winced. I could tell that he was not comfortable and as much as I wanted to doze off I had to tend to him.

I opened my eyes yawning as I got in a sitting position. " What is it, Orin?" I asked hoarsely. He glowered at me rubbing his lower back.

" I'm sorry for the pain but I'm definitely not sorry for last night, " I said smugly.

" Wipe that smug smile off your face and do something, " he grunted.

" Okay, correon, lay on your chest, " I instructed. He did as I told him.

I straddled him then massaged his lower back. I heard him sigh in contentment. I smiled warmly at that. It pleased me that I was doing something right.

" How are you feeling today?" I was a bit curious. I've read about the Heranyth stage. My Dad wanted me to know all there was to know about extraterrestrial beings.

" I'm deliciously sore if that's what you want to hear," he muttered. I chuckled heartily at what he said. He brought his hand on his mouth like he had said something he didn't want me to hear.

" I mean I'm feeling quite better today but I know the Heranyth stage is not over by a long shot. It takes about five days to complete it's torture on me, " he muttered darkly.

Just as we were talking mom barged in carrying a laundry basket. She was shocked when she saw the compromising position we were in.

" Oh my God, " she gasped throwing the basket on the floor, closing her eyes.

" Mom, get out, " I yelled. She went out so fast I barely saw her. I groaned dragging a hand through my bed hair.

I got off of him then pulled on my pajama pants and strode to the door. I turned hallway and stared at him. " Rest, Orin.  If you need anything call me."

He nodded and I walked out closing the door behind me. I went to my room then took a shower. When I was done I threw on a pair of sweatpants and a muscle shirt then went downstairs.

I found mom vigorously cleaning the stove.

" Mom," I said. She jumped at the sound of my voice.

" God, Talon. Are you trying to give me a heart attack?" she asked with a scowl.

I shrugged then sat on the stool. " Mom, about what you saw, it's exactly the way it is. I've grown fond of him, mom. "

" I know. Don't think I haven't seen the way you ogle  him, Talon. I've carried you in my womb for nine months, young man,ofcourse, I'd notice this things. "

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