Chapter Four (part one)

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I barged in my room rage coursing through my veins. This was ridiculous. There was no way in hell I was fighting for some alien girl. We had plenty of girls back home. I was not going to risk my life for some spoiled blue princess.

My father and my guardian went in after me. " Talon, I'm sorry I didn't tell you the truth. I knew you'd react this way and risk destroying our planet. " His voice betrayed him. He was not sorry. He was a selfish bastard. I should've known he'd do this to me.

" Dad, I don't want that girl. What could I possibly do with an alien chick? A blue wife, really Dad? No," I bellowed angrily.

" This is not about what you want. This is about saving our planet. Even if you fail in the tournament the Azurians will spare our home. Quitting will  not only get you killed but all the people will suffer through your selfish decision. Do this for your people, " he pleaded.

" Aren't there single Azurian males?" I stared at Kailas. " There are but the princess is not allowed to have any relationships with them. She has been saving herself for a worthy warrior. She won't always be blue, Talon. She will transition to the species of whomever wins the tournament. If you become victorious, she will be human."

I sat on the edge of the bed gripping my hair. " I feel like I'm trapped in a circus. Did you see those other warriors?  I'm definitely going to die. They are huge." I could just picture them. The others were red all over. Some even had horns and fangs. It was a freaking zoo.

I was trapped in a freak show. It was unreal. They were going to slaughter me. I had no doubt about that.

" Don't let their size  intimidate you, Talon. Did you see how the Emperor's daughter fought? " asked Dad sitting beside me.

" She freaking groped him. It was gross. She might as well not be pure!" I exclaimed.

" No, she saw her opponent's weakness and used it to her advantage. You have to be smart in this tournament, Talon, and I know you can do it."

" Every guy has that weakness, Dad. This is just crazy. I was supposed to be home right now going to school and just being human. Is that too much to ask. I'm not fighting in the tournament, " I muttered glaring at him.

" I won't let you do that, Talon. This is not about what you want. Think about your mom and your friend. You are killing them. "

I sighed heavily then threw myself on top of the bed. As much as it killed me to admit it, he was right. I had to think of my mom and friend. This was messed up. Dad made his way out. All he said was that he was going to a gathering of elder warriors.

Kailas sat on the armchair across the room. It was nestled next to one of the circular windows.

" She isn't bad you know. Give her a chance, Talon. It would be a great honour to have her as your wife. The Emperor would spare your planet if you were to be victorious."

" Let's go to the training chamber. I think sparring will do me good," I said getting of the bed. He nodded then rose from the chair. We went out of the room heading to the training chamber. He led the way.

We went down with some high-tech lift. Everything was so futuristic about this kingdom. From the buildings to the gadgets. It was overwhelming.

We arrived in the training chamber and took our fighting stances. Kailas flashed me a devious smile while I stared impassively at him. We charged at each other, doing our best to deliver blows at each other.

The feet and hand movements might seem less fatal when someone looked at us but they were lethal. That was how fighting was supposed to be. Not what the so-called princess did. Sparring was not supposed to involve dirty tricks.

I jabbed my arm against his rib then tripped him. I went to jump on top of him to deliver another blow but he rolled out of the way. This went on for hours. This was the most fun I've ever had since being on this alien planet.

It was already getting dark by the time we were done. Kailas helped me up. I didn't even realise that dad had been watching.

" That was good. I'm pleased that you are taking this serious. Those other warriors won't be lenient on you and I suggest you don't give them a chance to kill you in the tournament." He threw me a towel. I caught then wiped the sweat on my face away.

" What was the gathering about?" I questioned. " The Emperor was just briefing us about the rules of the tournament," he replied. " Now let's go have dinner in the city." He wrapped his arm over my shoulders then led me out. Kailas followed after us.

* * *

When dad said Kailas was my guardian I never thought that meant he'd follow me wherever I went but it was sort of comforting. Dare I say, I felt like a bad ass with him guarding me. It made me feel at ease.

I still felt uneasy about the whole alien race thing and he made it bearable. I looked around the restaurant we were in. Where sitting at a booth that had a long crescent shaped couch, a circular glass table with blue lights shimmering within the table. The food was a little creepy but exceedingly delicious.

I felt eyes on us. It must have been strange to see actual humans amidst the Azurians and I didn't blame them for their reactions.

If an alien had landed on earth, the scientists would be all over the poor creature. I was just glad that they were not hostile. I think I even caught the eyes of Azurian babes.

My father shook his head when he saw me winking at the waitress. Although I didn't want to involve myself with an alien I allowed myself to have some fun. I bet the princess was not as pure as she appeared to be. She had to have some secret boyfriend.

The waitress was wearing a metallic silver leather crop top with matching tight pants and boots. Her dreadlocks were laced with shimmering strings and rings. She looked like a human nerd's fantasy girlfriend.

My dad kicked me under the table when I shamelessly flirted with the Azurian. " Cut it out, Talon," he scolded.

" God, Dad, you are killing me." I muttered angrily. He rolled hia eyes at me. Kailas stared at us in amusement.

" What's your name, love?" I asked the waitress. Her cheeks shimmered light blue. I guess it the Azurians version of blushing.

" Eiylar," she replied softly. She scurried away at my penetrating gaze. I smile smugly at my Dad who had a disapproving look on his face. I couldn't be bothered to care about his feelings. It's not like he was forced to fight for an alien.

When we were done we went back to the palace. Apparently alien parties were out of the question. Even Kailas sided with my dad.

I went to my room, took a shower then went to bed. I was tolled that the tournament was starting tomorrow. I had no idea what was going to happen but I hoped I survived through it.

I looked at the tablet on the nightstand. It was as thin as a sheet. I held it and placed my right hand flat against the screen. The gadget glowed to life. The clock read ten pm. I placed it back on the nightstand.

I wished there was a way I could communicate with mom and Jason. I wondered what Jason and the school were told regarding my disappearance. I really missed home.

I still wished my life was different. All this warrior thing was destroying my life. I wanted nothing to do with it yet I couldn't help whom I was.

I placed my hands behind my head then stared at the glowing ceiling. Life had to be more than fighting. I wanted a taste of normality. I wondered how it felt like to just live freely without a ancient family tradition at tye forefront of your mind.

I fell asleep still thinking about my not so awesome life. I just couldn't wait for the tournament to be over and I wanted survived through it by all means necessary.



THE AZURAK WARRIORDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora