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The Emperor offered us rooms much to Zyrus's annoyance. The only thing that honestly pissed me off was the look Zyrus gave me when he took to Orin away. Orin was a breath away yet hard to grasp.

This was not the time to think irrationally. One mistake and I would lose more than Orin. My life and his freedom was on the line.

I was currently in my room staring at the view of the kingdom. We weren't allowed to leave the palace grounds. The Emperor thought we'd try to escape and he couldn't be more wrong.

I heard the door slide open. I spun to see who it was and of course it was none other than Jason. The bastard couldn't leave me alone for five minutes, but I knew him very well and right this moment he was scared.

This was his first time out of the planet Earth and his first time being exposed to extraterrestrial beings. He didn't let it show but I could see the fear in his eyes. I was thankful that he was not blurting out incoherent words and shouting all over the place. He was not one to show his deepest emotions.

" Hey,man," he said, standing beside me.

" I know you are dying to ask me questions. Ask away." I stared at him expectedly.

" Did you see how thin Orin is? Goodness, what the hell is that dude doing to him?"

" I don't know and I won't let him hurt Orin anymore," I said with a shrug. " Damn, I loath that dude with a passion. The way he regarded Orin,it was sickening. " I gripped the windowpane.

" Yeh, he's an ass. I just hope we get to pull out of this hell hole in one piece. So how do you plan in defeating him?"

" I really don't know, Jase, but one thing I won't do is disappointing Orin. He needs me." I walked away from the window and plopped on the edge of the bed. Jason followed suit.

" You're so whipped. I don't know if I should congratulate you or pity you. If you hadn't have fallen for an alien we wouldn't be in this situation. Thanks a lot, Tay," he grumbled.

" Hey, I didn't say get on the spacecraft. This is your fault." He rolled his eyes but didn't comment.

He left shortly and I was left alone praying that I survive the oncoming battle. I knew nothing about Zyrus. For all I know he could be very dangerous and crazy. If I survived this battle then my parents were definitely going to kill me.

I was really amazed at how Orin could submit to such an animal. A warrior he didn't really love. If I had a kingdom I wouldn't let anyone belittle me. I would strike anyone who dared to challenge me but then again Orin was a gentle soul. He had a big heart and maybe that's the reason why Zyrus was stomping all over him.

I took my transmission tablet then contacted my parents. My heart thumped painfully in my chest just waiting for then to answer my call. I didn't want to sound negative but there was a chance I wouldn't see them again.

I was all about confidence in most cases but not with this one. My heart nearly stopped when my parents answered. The transmission tablet allowed projections. An image of my parents appeared on the transparent screen and boy were they mad.

I swallowed nervously then waited tensely for what they were going to say. I couldn't very well say ' Hey mom, dad, guess what?  I'm on planet Villoci and I'm about to fight for my life '. If I wanted to give then reason to castrate me I would just feel indifferent and calm in this situation.

" Talon Knightly, where the hell are you? " yelled mother. Yep, she was definitely not in the mood for jokes or lies.

I scratched my scalp looking anywhere but her." I'm on planet Villoci. Mom, I couldn't let him go and now they are making me fight for him," I explained.

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