Chapter Eight ( part one)

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" I'm impressed, son. You've been training, " remarked Dad patting my back.

I was bent over heaving from jogging with Dad. It was true what he was saying. I felt different; more powerful. Training with Orin has been the best thing that could happen to me. Unlike my Dad he did not call me weak and taunt me whenever I grew tired of fighting.

We walked to the house Dad blabbering on and on about how I would won the Azurak tournament I had my heart into it. If only my ears had lids so I would avoid hearing him.

We got in the house I swiftly went upstairs to my room. In a way I was escaping from him. I took a quick shower and threw on some jeans and a long sleeved shirt.

I walked out of my room and stared at Orin's room which was across from mine. When I tried to wake him up for a jog this morning the door was locked and he said he was ill.

I was really worried about him. I've never seen an alien sick before and I doubt I wanted to find out. God, I knew next to nothing about alien sicknesses.

I made my way downstairs and into the sitting room. Mom and Dad were sitting on the couch chatting about everything that happened at Azur planet.

" Mom. Dad, I'm going out to the mall," I said.

" Okay, son, but be home by eight. Just because you're eighteen it doesn't mean you come and go whenever you want," said Dad. I gaped at him.

This was a first. He had never allowed me to go out before.

" Your father is right. I still want to spend time with you." Mom stood up and ruffled my hair.

" Woman! You don't mess with the hair, " I hissed playfully.

She chuckled at wrapped her arms around me. " Be careful out there, Talon, and don't think for a second that I forgot you sneaked out before the whole Azurak tournament."

" Really, mom. I just fought aliens and lived to tell about it. I deserve to go out. See you later and please make sure that Orin gets well."

Dad stared at me in bewilderment. " What's wrong with Orin?" he asked curiously.

" He told me he was sick. Look,  I have to go." I hurriedly made my way out before Dad could change his mind.

Jason pulled up infront of my house. I jogged to his car and got in the passenger side of the car. He drove off heading to the mall.

" Dude, it's been a while. I really didn't think you'd hang out with me today. "

" Yeh, I know, but I'm back and I hope I get to hang out with you more. I'd really use a drink or two right now. You have no idea what I have gone through. " I dragged a hand through my hair thinking of the obstacle course.

It had been quite a crazy event. Just thinking about a one to one combat with those beasts had my heart racing.

" It couldn't have been that bad. I bet there some sexy nurses tending to you in the hospital." He wiggled his brows with a smirk.

Now this was the moment I hated the most. Lying to my best friend. " They were far from being sexy,  believe me. I couldn't wait to get the hell out of there.

" Bethany has been worried sick about you. The poor hot girl couldn't stop talking about you ' is he okay? Did you hear from him'. The questions were endless. If you had gone any longer I'd rip my eyes off just so I wouldn't hear her talking."

I punched his arm playfully." Dude, ouch. That hurt, you arse, " he muttered. But we ended up laughing it off.

He drove in the parking lot of the mall. " Jase, you are such a bad friend.  How can you suggest that I hook up with a crazy girl like Bethany? She's been with half the male population at school. I'd sooner die than than be with her." Jason just chortled at me.

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