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I dreamed a dream in time gone byWhen hope was high and life worth livingI dreamed that love would never dieI prayed that God would be forgiving-I Dreamed A Dream, Les Miserables

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I dreamed a dream in time gone by
When hope was high and life worth living
I dreamed that love would never die
I prayed that God would be forgiving
-I Dreamed A Dream, Les Miserables

I dreamed a dream in time gone byWhen hope was high and life worth livingI dreamed that love would never dieI prayed that God would be forgiving-I Dreamed A Dream, Les Miserables

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A Long Time Ago

Odin's Palace, Asgard

A river flows through a verdant valley, as two children lounge idly on the grassy banking. A boy and a girl. Astrid splashes her bare feet in the crystal waters, as she leans back on the balls of her hands, her shoes sitting abandoned a few feet away. The boy is reclined against a mossy rock and watches the girl, with admiration in his eyes that only seems to appear when they fixate on her.

"You know, Thor, when we return to the palace, I believe our demise is indefinite after this stunt."

"Please, I'm going to be king, so they can't touch me.", Thor scoffs.

"Not if your father chooses Loki to succeed him.", she teases.

A smirk comes across his face, "Oh, I highly doubt that would ever happen. The day Loki sits on the throne will be a dark day for Asgard."

"Dark?", she questions.

"Yes, because it means I will have died.", he laughs.

Astrid glances over her shoulder at him with a grin, "Or perhaps you just aren't worthy of the throne."

He gawps at her amusedly before quickly scooting over to her, "You ought to watch how you speak to your future sovereign."

"We both know I am the regal one here."

He smirks at her and momentarily, she looks confused before he gives her a shove and she slips off the banking, into the cool waters below. For a few moments, she remains submerged, her blonde locks swaying randomly in the gentle current. Then, just as quickly as she disappeared, she reemerges, soaked to the skin and hair dripping wet.

"Thor Odinson, you are unbelievable!", she exclaims between fits of giggles.

"Well, I only serve to exceed your expectations."

Slowly, she pushes herself up on the banking and leans forward, so her face is inches from his, "And you do such a fine job."

Despite his internal protests, his stomach begins to turn relentlessly with her face this close to his. That smile that he adores finds its way to her face and soon infects his as it so frequently does. Then, she begins to work her face closer to his and once perhaps a single particle remains in the space between them, she reaches up and grabs his collar, hauling him down from the banking and into the water with her.

So, the would-be king and his would-be queen splash in the crystal waters blissfully for hours, oblivious of the tragedy that awaits them in many years time.

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