Requiem: Side A

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John's p.o.v

"I've been getting into astronomy lately." Logan replies to one of our dates. "I even installed a skylight. The people who live above me are furious."

Both of our dates laugh at the joke, enjoying our company and the atmosphere of the fancy night club we were in. I was already a little tipsy but not enough to embarrass myself in any way. The two girls however, were enjoying the alcohol a little more than Logan and I.

"I'm gonna get us some water." I say, being the responsible one.

"All right, cool." Logan remarks in passing.

I leave the group to go grab some water to dilute the alcohol in our system but stop when the lights in the room dim till it gets eerily dark and suddenly the music changes.

All eyes fall on the entrance as if everyone at once could sense the approaching presence of someone important. I hold my breath, knowing in my heart that who ever it was, would change the course of this night once I laid eyes on them. Seconds passed like hours as everyone; all eyes, watched the door with bated breath.

A spotlight suddenly moves to shine on the doorway, as if heralding the arrival of this special someone. Vanitas steps through the door, locking eyes with me immediately and I'm caught, stuck in this magical moment. He's dressed immaculately in a black suit with ruby cufflinks and a matching red tie. His hair is...perfect; not a strand out of place. He moves towards me with a polite and serene presence about him as the world seemingly opens a path, guiding him towards me in a way that seemed unreal.

He stops just in front of me, his lips adorned with a smile that I had longed to see again. "Hey." He says. The innocence in his voice is...everything. my heart races at just the sound of it.

"Hey." I smile, in a surreal state of bliss at seeing Van again.

"It's nice to see you again." He says, blushing in a way that captures my heart.

"You too." I say. My brow furrows "What're you doing all the way out here?" I question.

"I'm here to see you." Van confesses. "I missed you."

"I've missed you too, Van." I admit. "I've missed you everyday, more than you realize."

"Then why don't you come home to see me?" Van says.



My eyes snap open as I find myself staring at the ceiling of my apartment. A feeling of dread washes over me but the dream slips away, forgotten...leaving only the sense that I had awoken from a nightmare. My alarm suddenly goes off on my phone and I sit up to silence it immediatly. A stir in the sheets next to me grabs my attention.

"Are you working today, babe?" Natalie questions.

I smile. "No. I'm just supposed to be meeting Logan at the gym this morning."

She sits up to kiss me on the cheek. "I'll be hyping you up from here." She says before lying back down to go back to sleep.

I chuckle a little. "Thanks." I say, brushing her hair behind her ear.

I get out of bed and make my way to my closet. I grab sweat pants and a t-shirt...nothing fancy since it was just a gym day. I also grab a jock strap...a suggestion by Logan. They weren't really my style and honestly I would've gotten rid of them after trying and not liking them the once but Natalie thought I looked great in one. I head to the shower, turning on the hot water and start my day with something relaxing. I glance over at Nat's girly shampoos and conditioners. A smirk finds it's way to my lips as I think about her. She was an amazing woman. She liked to dance and party but also liked cheezy romantic stuff like walks on the beach and movies on the couch. She worked as a makeup artist for movies and has had a lot of work in blockbusters and even did something for a Marvel movie once. She's also a bad girl in the bed. She's everything I look for in a girl.

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