Chapter 9 - A Free Month Finally and Something Fun Planned

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October -

· Help the bride with vows

· Arrange flowers for the bridal party

· Create speeches with the best man

· Plan and host rehearsal dinner with best man

· Make sure cake is ready

· Make sure the dress is perfect for the big day

· Collect the dress (newly added)

· Make sure dress isn't destroyed

· No public fights

· No inappropriate flirting – that attracts paparazzi.

· No arguing

· No proposals during the six months

· No boasting about children

· Mondays – work at agency 06:00-18:00 then rehearse dances and band 18:30-00:00

· Tuesdays – work at agency 06:00-18:00 then do whatever needs doing with best man

· Wednesdays – work at agency 06:00-18:00 then rehearse dances and band 18:30-00:00

· Thursdays – work at agency 06:00-18:00 – night off

· Fridays – day off

· Saturdays – work at agency 06:00-18:00 then work with best man

· Sundays – work with best man, bride, and groom

· Be prepared for bakugos fashion shoot thing!!! NOVEMBER 11TH 2022

Me and Bakugo are both on patrol today which Is rare but it was nice doing hero work with him and the other Bakusqaud members. We were all teaching our interns how to keep an eye on the streets and make sure that everyone around us is safe and that no shops are being thieved or anything.

"this is so cool! Out on the streets with Uravity and Ground Zero!" one of my interns chuckled whereas Bakugo's interns were stiff robot like kids that acted as if they were from the terminator, it makes me think how he trains them or if that's just their quirk.

It wouldn't surprise me if Bakugo taught them about strength and bravery in emotion, but my interns are all bubbly and loose when it comes to work, that's just how my agency is anyway, we are fun bubbly people. Where as Bakugo, trains his interns like robots.


It was a good day, no major villains out terrosiing the city, me and Bakugo did lash out some villain wannabe ass. We got that son of a bitch arrested which was fun. Got us noticed, and our interns were able to show off their fighting skills too. My interns got slightly jelaous since Bakugo's interns were just taking over and showing off with their strength.

The six of us all went back to Bakugo's agency and it was huge, mainly because it had Mina and Kirishima's level, Kyoka and Denki's level and sero's level and at the top was bakugo's level. It was very expensive, more expensive than Deku's Agency. But they are the biggest hero group we have in Japan so far.

All the interns were allowed to use the training grounds so they could spar and train with each other but for some weird reason, the ash blonde wanted me to go to his office.

We hadn't really spoken about the kiss, or anything. It was like it never happened but I still think about it a lot, I mean it was my first kiss ever but I don't think he's too bothered about it, the amount of girls he's kissed in the past, it probrbaly didn't even bother him.

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