Chapter 13 - Photoshoot Time!!!

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November -

· Help the bride with vows

· Arrange flowers for the bridal party

· Create speeches with the best man

· Plan and host rehearsal dinner with best man

· Make sure cake is ready

· Make sure the dress is perfect for the big day

· Collect the dress (newly added)

· Make sure dress isn't destroyed

· No public fights

· No inappropriate flirting – that attracts paparazzi.

· No arguing

· No proposals during the six months

· No boasting about children

· Mondays – work at agency 06:00-18:00 then rehearse dances and band 18:30-00:00

· Tuesdays – work at agency 06:00-18:00 then do whatever needs doing with best man

· Wednesdays – work at agency 06:00-18:00 then rehearse dances and band 18:30-00:00

· Thursdays – work at agency 06:00-18:00 – night off

· Fridays – day off

· Saturdays – work at agency 06:00-18:00 then work with best man

· Sundays – work with best man, bride, and groom

· Be prepared for bakugos fashion shoot thing!!! NOVEMBER 11TH 2022

I was a pile of nerves! I got myself dressed in loose clothing because well, im going to be getting changed in different clothes that are going to be captured behind a camera. I wonder what they look like, would they be tight, baggy, loose? I have no clue. All I know is that there are five different outfits to model out and I am just a pile of nerves. At least I get ten grand for it though, that can help the support for the student homes where they can get allowance for lunches dinners or even breakfasts, its just a little extra they can survive off. One of the male dorms was finally built and a few kids moved in safely. It makes me happy because they can finally get the education their families weren't able to afford.

I get a cab to Bakugo's agency. I look at my watch and decided to race to Mina's part of the agency where she was modelling out her clothes with another model she was able to hire. They both wore dance wear clothes, which was cute. Its sad because she wanted Kirishima to be modelling with her and he wanted the same thing for Mina to model with him but due to everything happening at the same time it wasn't possible.

Once my pink friend notices me she cheers and hugs me tight "how are you feeling today?" she asked looking slightly concerned.

I shrugged at her question letting out a nervous chuckle " shitting bricks!" I panicked and Mina just laughed pulling me into a hug.

"you'll be fine. I promise! Oh I forgot, Jiro wanted to see you too" she explained and I nodded in response leaving her to model.

I walked to where Jiro and Kaminari's section of the agency was and they were the only ones able to do a shared photoshoot. They both modelled out using the new music equipment that they had designed which was awesome. When Kaminari noticed me patently waiting to talk to my best friend, he leaned over to his pregnant girlfiend whispering in her ear.

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