(4) Dinner to Die For

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"I am sorry about that. What were you saying, Elizabeth?" When his attention came back to me, I quickly remembered what I had said before he was interrupted. "I asked for your name" If I was going to have dinner with this man then I might as well put a name to the face. "Oh, it is Doflamingo but call me whatever your little heart desires" I had never heard of a name like his before although I didn't really judge as I tried to figure out if I could even pronounce it. Butchering it was a high probability so I decided to give him a nickname instead. "... Can I call you... Mingo?"

His sunglasses were in the way so I couldn't tell what he was feeling but I didn't see his smile change when I suggested it. That must have been a good sign or at least I thought it was. "I said whatever your heart desires, did I not?" He had said that however, I wanted to have him content with what I chose to call him. "You did"

"Fufufu. Come along your dinner will get cold if you do not eat it soon" He didn't even bring up the topic anymore so I dropped the subject. Dinner sounded good right now and it's not like I had managed to eat much of the shit my parents cooked. "Alright, where is the dining room?" When his finger pointed at the same door as before I figured it was behind it but that wasn't completely true. "Right through that door and down the hall. I will take you. Follow me" When he started walking, I followed just as he told me but I wanted to know something else.

This place was huge from what I had seen although the only person I had seen was Doflamingo. "So, Mingo? Are you the only person living in this house?" He was in front of me and slowly to a halt as I walked past him. By the time I had turned to face him, I noticed there was a frown on his lips. However, before I could question it his smile had returned. "No, it is just me here. There were others... but they all left a long time ago... Every last one of them was a liar"

"What do you mean?"


Doflamingo's Pov


"If you do not care for what I decide to do with my free time then leave! I am the king of this kingdom!" The few members of my family were all gathered in the throne room bowing although my focus was solely on the person trying to go against my ruling. It had never been a problem before but something had changed. "You've gone too far, Doffy. P-Please this isn't like you" They were scared that much was certain. However, they should be. I hated traitors. These few members were what remained of my family. Now, they too wished to abandon me.

Trebol was the ring leader, he always had been. Always making false promises that I could have anything as long as had the will to take it. Now, he was trying to take away my fun. "What makes you say that Trebol? Fufuffu. I have never felt more like myself than I do right now" His eyes had been staring at the tile although when they locked on mine, I could see that look. It ticked me off to no end and I refused to stand for it. "You've blind if you can't see that this has gotten out of hand. Just look at what happened to your eyes! How can you be so calm after cutting them out!?"

"Family" It was a single word but as Trebol's eyes widened I already started to line the space around him with strings. "What?" He would serve as an example for the rest of the traitors. I did not need him nor the rest of them. Being alone would be perfectly fine, maybe then I would have some room to think. "You were a part of my family but now I can see your loyal has shifted. It is no surprise; you have grown soft over the years Trebol. I no longer have any use for a deserter like you"

"W-Wait, Doffy!" It was far too late for him. He had made his choice when going against my ruling. The blood was pooling on the tile, slipping into the cracks but I did not care. "There will not be any mercy for traitors" Trebol had stopped moving so I was satisfied the traitor was dead. "I take it the rest of you can find the exit... and take this trash with you. Fufufu. I never want to see any of your faces again or else you will suffer the same fate as him. Fufufu. All of you are liars... Are you just going to stand there!? Get out!"

Doflamingo x OC {Don't Open The Door} RemakeKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat